
Graduate research assistants:

We are an experimental condensed matter group. Our research focuses on discovering and understanding novel emergent phenomena in quantum materials via designing and synthesizing them, mostly in single crystal form,  and measuring their magnetic and transport properties. The systems of interest include kagome magnets, novel antiferromagnets such as altermagnets, chiral magnets, topological superconductors, and two and quasi-two-dimensional materials.

We have active and strong research collaborations at several national labs including NIST, Argonne,   Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge National Lab, which provide graduate students with important educational opportunities.

Application materials for University of Notre Dame’s graduate program in Physics can be found on the Departmental Web Site . Current Notre Dame graduate students interested in our group should make an appointment to discuss research opportunities with Dr. Ghimire.

Undergraduate research assistants:

We encourage undergraduates to participate in our on-going research projects. Please contact Dr. Ghimire for an interview if you are interested in this opportunity.