
Key to references: underlining = authorship by a graduate student, * = authorship by an undergraduate or high school student, § = authorship by postdoc or lab manager

  1. Dietze, M., E.P. White, A. Abeyta, C. Boettiger, N. Bueno Watts, C.C. Carey, R. Chaplin-Kramer, R.E. Emanuel, S.K.M. Ernest, R.J. Figueredo, M.D. Gerst, L.R. Johnson, M.A. Kenney, J.S. McLachlan, I.C. Paschalidis, J.A. Peters§, C.R. Rollinson, J. Simonis, K. Sullivan-Wiley, R.Q. Thomas, G.M. Wardle, A.M. Willson, and J. Zwart. 2024. Near-Term Ecological Forecasting for Climate Change Action. Nature Climate Change 14:1236–1244.
    1. There was an associated press release about this publication.
  2. Camacho, A.E., E.K. Warner, J. McLachlan, and N. Kroeze. 2024 Adapting Conservation Governance Under Climate Change: Lessons from Indian Country. Virginia Law Review 110(7): 1549-1618.
  3. Vahsen, M.L., Kleiner, H.S., Kodak, H., Summers, J.L., Vahsen, W.L., Blum, M.J., Megonigal, J.P. and McLachlan, J.S. 2023. Complex eco-evolutionary responses of a foundational coastal marsh plant to global change. New Phytologist 240: 2121-2136.
    1. There was an associated commentary on Megan’s paper titled, “Seed resurrection study unearths evolution of phenotypic plasticity.”
  4. Willson, A.M., Gallo*, H., Peters, J.A.§, Abeyta, A., Bueno Watts, N., Carey, C.C., Moore T.N., Smies, G., Thomas, RQ., Woelmer, W.W., McLachlan, J.S. 2023. Assessing opportunities and inequities in undergraduate ecological forecasting education. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e10001.
  5. Thomas, R.Q., Boettiger, C., Carey, C.C., Dietze, M.C., Johnson, L.R., Kenney, M.A., McLachlan, J.S., Peters, J.A.§, Sokol, E.R., Weltzin, J.F., Willson, A.M., Woelmer, W.M. & Challenge Contributors. 2023. The NEON Ecological Forecasting Challenge. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21 (3): 112–13.
  6. Vahsen, M.L., M.J. Blum, J.P. Megonigal, S.J. Emrich, J.R. Holmquist, B. Stiller*, K.E.O. Todd-Brown, J.S. McLachlan. 2023. Rapid plant trait evolution can alter coastal wetland resilience to sea level rise. Science 379(6630): 393-398. DOI: 10.1126/science.abq0595.
  7. Raiho, A.M., C.J. Paciorek, S.T. Jackson, D.J. Mladenoff, J.W. Williams, J.S. McLachlan. 2022. 8000-year doubling of Midwestern forest biomass driven by population- and biome-scale processes. Science 376(6600): 1491-1495.
  8. McLachlan, J. 2022. How forests lost 8,000 years of stored carbon in a few generations – animated maps reveal climate lessons for tree-planting projects today. The Conversation. Published July 27, 2022.
  9. Willson, A.M., A.T. Trugman, J.S. Powers, C.M. Smith-Martin, D. Medvigy. 2022. Climate and hydraulic traits interact to set thresholds for liana viability. Nature Communications 133332.
  10. Vahsen, M.L., R.M. GentileJ.L. SummersH.S. KleinerB. Foster*R.M. McCormackE.W. JamesR.A. KochD.L. MettsC. SaundersJ.P. MegonigalM.J. BlumJ.S. McLachlan. 2021.  Accounting for variability when resurrecting dormant propagules substantiates their use in eco-evolutionary studies. Evolutionary Applications 142831– 2847 .
  11. Woelmer W.M., L.M. Bradley, L.T. Haber, D.H. Klinges, A.S.L. Lewis, E.J. Mohr, C.L. Torrens, K.I. Wheeler, A.M. Willson. 2021. Ten simple rules for training yourself in an emerging field. PLOS Computational Biology 17(10): e1009440. NOTE: This publication was led and written entirely by Ecological Forecasting Initiative Student Association members.
  12. Camacho, A.E. and McLachlan, J.S.  2021. Regulatory Fragmentation: An unexamined barrier to species conservation under climate change. Frontiers in Climate, 3.
  13. Dietze, M., R. Q. Thomas, J. Peters§, C. Boettiger, A.N. Shiklomanov, and J. Ashander. 2021. “A Community Convention for Ecological Forecasting: Output Files and Metadata.” EcoEvoRxiv. May 27. doi:10.32942/
  14. Dietze, M., C. Boettiger, A. Shiklomanov, Q. Thomas, & J. Peters§. 2021. Ecological Forecasting Initiative: Community Standards R Package: v0.3 (Version v0.3). Zenodo.
  15. Peters, JA§. and R.Q. Thomas. 2021. Going virtual: What we learned from the Ecological Forecasting Initiative Research Coordination Network Virtual Workshop. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.
  16. Meyers, M.F., et al. 2021. Virtual Growing Pains: Initial Lessons Learned from Organizing Virtual Workshop, Summits, Conferences, and Networking Events during a Global Pandemic. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin.
  17. Sjodin, A., L. Haber, S. LaDeau, A. Willson, M. Lofton, T. Moore, O. Tabares-Mendoza, D. Dalbotten, J. McLachlan, M. Dietze,  J. Peters§. 2021. Ecological Forecasting Student Resource: Overview of Forecasting, Potential Careers, Helpful CoursesEFI-RCN: Ecological Forecasting Initiative Research Coordination Network, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/8VRF-WS31
  18. Woodley, L. K. Pratt, S. Kobilka, J. Peters§. 2021. CSCCE Community Profile: Ecological Forecasting Initiative. Zenodo.
  19. Heilman, K.A., Trouet, V.M., Belmecheri, S., Pederson, N., Berke, M.A., and McLachlan, J.S. 2021. Increased water use efficiency leads to decreased precipitation sensitivity of tree growth, but is offset by high temperatures. Oecologia.
  20. Paciorek, C.J., C.V. Cogbill, J.A. Peters§, S.J. Goring, J.W. Williams, D.J. Mladenoff, A. Dawson§, and McLachlan, J.S. 2021. The forests of the midwestern United States at Euro-American settlement: spatial and physical structure based on contemporaneous survey data. PLoS ONE 16(2):e0246473.
  21. Hamlet, A.F., Patterson, T.A., Hanson, Z.J., Peters, J.A.§, Byun, K., Chiu,C-M., Bolster, D., McLachlan, J.S., Pavlovic, N.B., Schurr, M.R., Hellmann, J.J., Grundel, R. 2020. Assessment of Waterfowl Habitat Restoration as an Adaptive Mechanism for Water Sustainability in the Kankakee River Watershed final report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. pp 363.
  22. Rollinson, C., Dawson, A.§, Raiho, A., Williams, J.W., Dietze, M.C., Hickler, T., Jackson, S.T., McLachlan, J.S., Moore, D.J.P., Poulter, B., Quaife, T., Steinkamp, J., Trachsel, M. 2020. Forest responses to last-millennium hydroclimate variability are governed by spatial variations in ecosystem sensitivity. Ecology Letters.
  23. Trachsel, M., Dawson, A.§, Paciorek, C.J., Williams, J.W., McLachlan, J.S., Cogbill, C.V., Foster, D.R., Goring, S.J., Jackson, S.T., Oswald, W.W., Shuman, B.N. 2020. Comparison of settlement-era vegetation reconstructions for STEPPS and REVEALS pollen–vegetation models in the northeastern United States. Quaternary Research, 95: 23-42. doi:10.1017/qua.2019.81
  24. Tipton, J., Hooten, M., Nolan, C., Booth, R., and McLachlan, J.S. 2019. Predicting unobserved climate from compositional data using multivariate Gaussian process inverse prediction. Annals of Applied Statistics 13(4): 2363-2388. doi:10.1214/19-AOAS1281
  25. Dawson, A.§, C.J. Paciorek, S.J. Goring, S.T. Jackson, J.S. McLachlan, J.W. Williams. 2019. Quantifying trends and uncertainty in prehistoric forest composition in the upper Midwestern United States. Ecology 100(12)e02856. 10.1002/ecy.2856.
  26. Broderick, C.M.*, K.A. Heilman, T. Patterson, J.A. Peters§, J.S. McLachlan. 2018. Sharp savanna-forest transitions in the Midwest followed environmental gradients but are absent from the modern landscape. American Midland Naturalist 180(1):1-17. 10.1674/0003-0031-180.1.1
  27. Summers, J., B. Bernik, C. Saunders, J. McLachlan, M. Blum. 2018 A century of genetic variation inferred from a persistent soil-stored seed bank. Evolutionary Applications 11(9): 1715-1731. 10.1111/eva.12675
  28. Itter, M.S., A.O. Finley, M.B. Hooten, P.E. Higuera, J.R. Marlon, R. Kelly, J.S. McLachlan. 2017. A model-based approach to wildland fire reconstruction using sediment charcoal records. Environmentrics 28(7):e2450. 10.1002/env.2450
  29. Lumibao, C.Y., S.M. Hoban and J.S. McLachlan. 2017. Ice ages leave genetic diversity ‘hotspots’ in Europe but not in Eastern North America. Ecology Letters.
  30. Marlon, J. R., N. Pederson, C. Nolan, S. Goring, B. Shuman, A. Robertson, R. Booth, P.J. Bartlein, M.A. Berke, M. Clifford, E. Cook, A. Dieffenbacher-Krall, M.C. Dietze, A. Hessl, J.B. Hubeny, S.T. Jackson, J. Marsicek, J. McLachlan, C.J. Mock, D.J.P. Moore,  J. Nichols, D. Peteet, K. Schaefer, V. Trouet, C. Umbanhowar, J.W. Williams,  and Z. Yu. 2017. Climatic history of the northeastern United States during the past 3000 years. Climate of the Past, 13, 1355-1379,
  31. Rollinson, C.R., Y. Liu, A. Raiho, D.J.P. Moore, J.S. Mclachlan, D.A. Bishop, A. Dye, J. Hatala Matthes, A. Hessl, T. Hickler, N. Pederson, B. Poulter, T. Quaife, K. Schaefer, J. Steinkamp, M.C.Dietze. 2017. Emergent climate and CO2 sensitivities of net primary productivity in ecosystem models do not agree with empirical data in temperate forests of eastern North America. Global Change Biology. doi:10.1111/gcb.13626. Abstract
  32. Dawson, A.§, C.J. Paciorek, J.S. McLachlan, S.G. Goring, J.W. Williams, and S.T. Jackson. 2016. Quantifying pollen-vegetation relationships to reconstruct ancient forests using 19th-century forest composition and pollen data. Quaternary Science Reviews 137: 156-175. Abstract
  33. Deines J.M.§, D. Williams*, Q. Hamlin*, and J.S. McLachlan. 2016. Changes in Forest Composition in Ohio Between Euro-American Settlement and the Present. American Midland Naturalist 176(2): 247-271. Abstract
  34. Goring, S.J., D.J. Mladenoff, C.V. Cogbill, S. Record, C.J. Paciorek, S.T. Jackson, M.C. Dietze, A. Dawson§, J. Hatala Matthes, J.S. Mclachlan, J.W. Williams. 2016. Novel and Lost Forests in the Upper Midwestern United States, From New Estimates of Settlement-Era Composition, Stem Density, and Biomass. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0151935. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151935. Paper
  35. Kujawa, E.R., S. Goring, A. Dawson§, R. Calcote, E.C. Grimm, S.C. Hotchkiss, S.T. Jackson, E.A. Lynch, J.S. Mclachlan, J. St-Jacques, C. Umbanhowar Jr., and J.W. Williams. 2016. The effects of anthropogenic land cover change on pollen-vegetation relationships in the American Midwest. Anthropocene 15:60-71. Abstract
  36. Lumibao, C.Y., M. Gaskill, K. Flood*, J.S. McLachlan. 2016. Persistence of genetic variation in recolonized Tsuga canadensis (Eastern hemlock) populations following historic forest clearance. Plant Species Biology 31(1):73-79. 10.1111/1442-1984.12079
  37. Paciorek C.J., S.J. Goring, A.L. Thurman, C.V. Cogbill, J.W. Williams, D.J. Mladenoff, J.A. Peters§, J. Zhu, and J.S. McLachlan. (2016). Statistically-estimated tree composition for the Northeastern United States at Euro-American Settlement. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0150087. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150087. Paper
  38. Schwartz, M.W., J.J. Hellmann, J.S. McLachlan, D.F. Sax, J.O. Borevitz, J. Brennan, A.E. Camacho, G. Ceballos, J.R. Clark, H. Doremus, R. Early, J.R. Etterson, D. Fielder, J.L. Gills, P. Gonzalez, N. Green, L. Hannah, D.W. Jamieson, D. Javeline, B.A. Minteer, J. Odenbaugh, S. Polasky, D.M. Richardson, T.L. Root, H.D. Safford, O. Sala, S.H. Schneider, A.R. Thompson, J.W. Williams, M. Vellend, P. Vitt, and S. Zellmer. 2012. Managed relocation: Integrating the scientific, regulatory, and ethical challenges. BioScience 62:732-743. Press release;  Paper
  39. Williams, J.W., H.M. Kharouba, S. Veloz, M. Vellend, McLachlan, J.S., Z. Liu, B. Otto-Bliesner, and F. He. 2012. The ice age ecologist: testing methods for reserve prioritization during the last global warming. Global Ecology and Biogeography.  Abstract
  40. Anderson-Carpenter, L.L.§, J.S. McLachlan, S.T. Jackson, M. Kuch, C.Y. Lumibao, and H.N. Poinar. 2011. Ancient DNA from lake sediments: Bridging the gap between paleoecology and genetics. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:30.  AbstractPaper
  41. Hellmann, J.J., V. Meretsky, and J.S. McLachlan. 2011. Strategies for conserving species under a changing climate. In Hannah, L., ed. Saving a Million Species: Extinction risk from climate change. Island Press, Washington, DC.  Book
  42. Pedlar, J.H., D.W. McKenney, J. Beaulieu, S.J. Colombo, J.S. McLachlan, and G.A. O’Neill. The implementation of assisted migration in Canadian forests. 2011. Forestry Chronicle 87 (6): 766-777. Abstract
  43. Blum, M.J., E. Knapke, J.S. McLachlan, S.B. Snider, and C.J. Saunders. 2010. Hybridization between Schoenoplectus sedges across Chesapeake Bay marshes. Conservation Genetics.  Conservation Genetics 11: 1885-1898.  Abstract
  44. Camacho, A.E., H. Doremus, J.S. McLachlan, and B.A. Minteer. 2010. Reassessing conservation goals in a changing climate. Issues in Science and Technology 26: 21-26.  Paper
  45. Hoban, S.M., D.S. Borkowski, S.L. Brosi, T.S. McCleary, L.M. Thompson, J.S. McLachlan, M.A. Pereira, S.E. Schlarbaum, and J. Romero-Severson. 2010. Range-wide distribution of genetic diversity in the North American tree Juglans cinerea: a product of range shifts, not ecological marginality or recent population decline. Molecular Ecology 19: 4876-4891.  Abstract
  46. Paciorek, C.J. and J.S. McLachlan. 2009. Mapping ancient forests: Bayesian inference for spatio-temporal trends in forest composition using the fossil pollen proxy record. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 104: 608-622. Abstract
  47. Richardson, D., J.J. Hellmann, J.S. McLachlan, D.F. Sax, M.W. Schwartz, and members of the Managed Relocation Working Group. 2009. Multidimensional evaluation of managed relocation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: 9721- 9724.  Abstract;  Paper
  48. Gugger, P.F., J.S. McLachlan, P.S. Manos, and J.S. Clark. 2008. Inferring long-distance dispersal and topographic barriers during post-glacial colonization from the genetic structure of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) in New England. Journal of Biogeography 35(9): 1665-1673. Abstract
  49. McLachlan, J.S., J.J. Hellmann, and M.W. Schwartz. 2007. A framework for debate of assisted migration in an era of climate change. Conservation Biology 21: 297-302.  Abstract
  50. Soltis, D.E., A.B. Morris, J.S. McLachlan, P.S. Manos, and P.S. Soltis. 2006. Comparative phylogeography of unglaciated eastern North America. Molecular Ecology 15: 4261-4293. Abstract
  51. McLachlan, J.S. 2006. Paleophytogeography pp. 1594-1595. In S.A. Elias, ed. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Elsevier Press.  Book
  52. Blum, M.J., J.S. McLachlan, C.J. Saunders, and J.D. Herrick. 2005. Characterization of  microsatellite loci in Schoenoplectus americanus (Cyperaceae). Molecular Ecology Notes 5(3): 661-663. Abstract
  53. Gavin, D. G., L.B. Brubaker, J.S. McLachlan, and W.W. Oswald. 2005. Correspondence of pollen assemblages with forest zones across steep environmental gradients, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA. The Holocene 15(5): 650-633. Abstract
  54. McLachlan, J.S., J.S. Clark, and P.S. Manos. 2005. Molecular indicators of tree migration capacity under rapid climate change. Ecology 86(8): 2088-2098.  Abstract
  55. Clark, J.S. and J.S. McLachlan. 2004. Neutral theory (Communication arising): The stability of forest diversity. Nature 427: 696-697.  Communication abstract
  56. McLachlan, J.S. and J.S. Clark. 2004. Reconstructing historical ranges with fossil data. Forest Ecology and Management 197: 139-147. Abstract
  57. McLachlan, J.S., D.R. Foster, S. Clayden, and S. Barry. 2004. Long-term forest and landscape dynamics. In D.R. Foster and J. D. Aber, eds. Forests in Time: the Environmental Consequences of 1000 Years of Change in New England. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.  Book
  58. Fuller, J, D. Foster, G. Motzkin, J.S. McLachlan, and S. Barry. 2004. Broadscale Forest Response to Land Use and Climate Change. In D.R. Foster and J. D. Aber, eds. Forests in Time: the Environmental Consequences of 1000 Years of Change in New England. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.  Book
  59. Clark, J.S. and J.S. McLachlan. 2003. Stability of forest diversity. Nature 423: 635-638.  Abstract
  60. Clark, J.S., M. Lewis, J.S. McLachlan, and J. Hille Ris Lambers. 2003. Estimating population spread: what can we forecast and how well? Ecology 84: 1979-1988. Abstract
  61. Clark, J. S., B. Beckage, J. Hille Ris Lambers, I. Ibanez, S. LaDeau, J.S. McLachlan, J. Mohan, and M. Rocca. 2002. Plant dispersal and migration. In H. Mooney and J. Canadell, eds. Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Vol 2.  Book
  62. Gavin, D., J.S. McLachlan, L.B. Brubaker and K.A Young. 2001. Postglacial history of subalpine forests, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA. The Holocene.  11:177-188. Abstract
  63. McLachlan, J.S., D.R. Foster and F. Menalled. 2000. Anthropogenic origins of late-successional structure and composition in four New England hemlock stands. Ecology 81: 717-733. Abstract
  64. Pregitzer, K.S., D.D. Reed, T.J. Bornhorst, D.R. Foster, G.D. Mroz, J.S. McLachlan, P.E. Laks, D.D. Stokke, P.E. Martin, S.E. Brown. 2000. Intact buried spruce forest provides stand and landscape perspective on the dynamic vegetation and environment at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary. Journal of Ecology 88: 45-53. Abstract
  65. Clark, J.S., B. Beckage, P. Camill, B. Cleveland, J. Hille Ris Lambers, J. Lichter, J.S. McLachlan, J. Mohan and P. Wyckoff. 1999. Interpreting recruitment limitation in forests. American Journal of Botany 86(1): 1-16. Abstract
  66. Fuller, J.F., D.R. Foster, J.S. McLachlan and N. Drake. 1998. Impact of human activity on regional forest composition and dynamics in central New England. Ecosystems 1: 76-95. Abstract
  67. Brubaker, L.B. and J.S. McLachlan. 1996. Landscape diversity and vegetation response to long- term climate change in the eastern Olympic Peninsula, Pacific Northwest, USA. In B. H. Walker and W. L. Steffen, eds. Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press. Book
  68. Foster, D.R., D.A. Orwig and J.S. McLachlan. 1996. Ecological and conservation insights from reconstructive studies of temperate old-growth forests. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11(10): 419-424. Abstract
  69. McLachlan, J.S. and L.B. Brubaker. 1995. Local and regional vegetation change on the Olympic Peninsula during the Holocene. Canadian Journal of Botany 73: 1618-1627. Abstract