Agenda, Venues, & Map

John Sherry and William Wilkie Celebration: Weds., May 21, 2025 [Agenda as of March 7]

Venues & Map

Wednesday, May 21

Venue #1. We start at the Downes Ball Room, 7th floor, Notre Dame Stadium.
Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. here, followd by the welcome session and lunch.
Getting to the Downes Ballroom. Head to the east side of the stadium, enter through Door #4, take the elevator to the 7th floor.

Venue #2. The Stayer Executive Center (about a 10-minute walk from the stadium; we will have guides).
Beginning at 1:15 p.m. the conference will feature three main sessions:
Session 1. Pre-Notre Dame Days;
Session 2. Notre Dame Days; and
Session 3. Contributions and Looking Ahead
The conference sessions will end at 5:30 p.m.

Venue #3. The Main Building (The Dome) 2nd floor Rotunda. To get there, walk to the building with the Golden Dome!). The evening proceeds with a happy hour starting at 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner, both at the Main Building Rotunda (Main Building [Golden Dome], second floor). There will be opportunities to toast & roast both “celebrities” during the dinner.