Spiritual Life

Law School Mass Schedule
Summer Prayer Intentions and Fasting

Law School Mass Schedule

Mass is celebrated in the Saint Thomas More Chapel on the first floor of Biolchini Hall of Law according to the following schedule. Mass is usually not celebrated during breaks.

Sunday4:30 p.m.
Monday5:05 p.m.
Tuesday5:05 p.m.
Wednesday5:05 p.m.
Thursday5:05 p.m.
Friday12:30 p.m.

Campus Ministry provides the University-wide Mass schedule and the Confession schedule for the Basilica of the Sacred Heart.

Summer Prayer Intentions and Fasting


We invite you to pray for the following intentions:

  • For the faith life of Notre Dame Law School, that our chaplains may be faithful guardians and good shepherds.
  • For our Notre Dame family:
    • For the administration across campus but especially in our Law School.
    • For our faculty, that they may faithfully execute their jobs as they guide us through our careers and education.
    • For all parents studying or working at the Law School and those who are expecting children, that they may have all the graces they need to care for their families while also pursuing their professional vocation.
    • For our fellow students, that together we may be diligent in our work, cultivate peace, and grow closer to Christ. For an increase in our faith, hope, and charity.
    • For all the students joining us at Notre Dame, especially the incoming 1Ls, that the Lord may free them from all anxiety and that our community may be a wellspring of genuine friendship for them.
  • For the conversion of our friends, for the conversion of sinners, and especially for our own conversions, that we may be ever more reliant on Christ as we walk the path to salvation.
  • For ourselves, that we may grow in understanding of our vocations and always follow God’s will.

Praise God forever for the gift of our education at Notre Dame. May he help us to use it everyday for his glory.
In Christ’s name. Amen.


We also invite you to deepen your prayer with us through a simple fast of your choice, such as abstaining from meat on certain days or choosing a silent commute on the way to work. Fasting isn’t just for Lent! As St. Basil the Great (330–379) preached, “Fasting sends prayer up into heaven, becoming like wings for its upward journey . . . . Fasting makes lawmakers wise. It is a safeguard of a soul, a stabilizing companion to the body, a weapon for the brave, a discipline for champions.”