What We Do

General Meetings

Every week, we host our general meetings Thursday evenings. We have been fortunate enough to host guest speakers from Disney Imagineering as well as from the TEA executive board. Other meeting topics have included career development in the themed entertainment industry led by Ryan Willerton from the Center for Career development at Notre Dame, updates in the industry, and even free time to work on interclub competitions.

Projects Meetings

Special Meetings — Networking

In February 2019, Tyler Emptage, a Disney Imagineer and Notre Dame grad from 2010, video called into our meeting. The club enjoyed the advice he shared and the opportunity to learn form someone with experience in the industry!

In March 2019, Micahel Mercadante, the President of the TEA International Board of Directors and Notre Dame alum from 1980, and Marissa Blake, Chair of  theTEA NextGen Committee, video called with the club and shared their advice on getting more involved with the themed entertainment industry.

In the Fall of 2019, this relationship grew. Mr. Mercadante came to Notre Dame to give a presentation to our members and teach us about his experience in the industry. We learned a lot about different components that go in to making Themed Entertainment possible. It was an fantastic experience.

In the Spring of 2020, TEA@ND also hosted a Notre Dame graduate who now works at TAIT, Dan McGlinn. Dan taught us all about TAIT’s role in the industry, making robust, technologically advanced and frequently portable performance stages. We learned a lot about the company, their opportunities and their goals.

Our Members’ Work