General Meetings
Beyond being a group interested in getting its members into the industry, we are also a group of enthusiasts who love to have a good time! Our general meetings usually appeal to this latter side, as we will typically have light-hearted design challenges, trivia, and other fun activities so that we can share our love for themed entertainment in an engaging way.
Park Trips
One of the best ways to bond with friends is taking a trip to an amusement park, and in a group specifically about the industry, it is no different with us. Once a year, we usually visit a Midwestern amusement park to not only become closer as a club but also gain some in-the-field insights into the industry.
South Bend Fun Times
In addition to park trips, we will sometimes go to various attractions in the South Bend area to also bond as a club, making for a more casual trip than the commitment that park trips can sometimes be.