Chad Sallaberry
Research Technician 2021-2022
B.S. Biochemistry, Colorado State University 2019
M.S. Biochemistry
University of Colorado Colorado Springs 2021
Now: Research Scientist, Siemens Healthineers
Chad received his B.S in biochemistry with a minor in molecular biology during the spring of 2019 from CSU. His masters research was performed in the Vander Zanden lab at UCCS where he studied the amyloid beta protein and its role in Alzheimer’s disease. He investigated the mechanism of curcumin’s membrane-mediated neuroprotection against amyloid beta. He has a passion for analyzing cellular homeostatic mechanisms and is excited to see how pH can disrupt this delicate balance leading to metastasis and cancer.
Outside of research and lab work, Chad enjoys going to the gym or hanging out with his dog Ghost and cats Waffles and Kit Kat.