Final Essay Question

The Story of Carolina Maria de Jesus:  Two Interpretations

Carolina Maria de Jesus’s Child of the Dark can be interpreted in two strikingly different ways.

From one angle, Carolina Maria’s story seems like a confirmation of the American dream of “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.”  The use of the term “bootstraps” is quintessentially American, but the idea is not unique.  In countries around the world, we can find this same hope-filled faith in the prospect that individuals can overcome the most abject conditions.  After all, Carolina Maria may have only had air in her stomach, but through sheer will and determination, she kept a diary, published it, and acquired the resources to leave the favela.

From a very different angle, however, one can make an equally persuasive argument that Carolina Maria’s story is a disconfirmation of the bootstraps mythology.  She may have escaped the favela and moved into  a “brick house,” but despite her achievements, she ended up returning to the same squalid conditions where she began.

Write an essay of no more than five (5) double-spaced pages in which you weigh the merits of both of these interpretations of Carolina’s story.  Then, take a stand on the side you consider most convincing and defend it against the counterclaims of the alternate interpretation.

At first glance, it may seem as though one of these interpretations is “obviously” stronger than the other. Nevertheless, because nothing meaningful is ever truly obvious, you should begin with the assumption that one can make equally strong arguments for both positions.

As you write your essay, keep in mind that your goal is to make a compelling argument. This means that it is not sufficient to describe what happened to Carolina Maria.  Rather, you should demonstrate an understanding of how her story fits into some of the major themes of our course. To this end, in addition to discussing Child of the Dark, you should incorporate at least one other source from our syllabus into your argument. We will leave it up to you to decide which source is the most useful and effective in making your case. If you use more than one source, keep in mind that you have limited space and you don’t want to confuse the reader.

You can find all of the details about Carolina Maria’s life after leaving the favela in this essay by Robert Levine: HERE  I have excerpted some sections to make it shorter for you.  Levine has also written the Afterward about Carolina Maria’s life in the Signet Classic version of the book that was available in the Bookstore.  I can’t say whether it is substantially different from my attachment. Feel free to consult it if you like. 

In writing your essay, you should only use sources on our Syllabus. You should not do any additional research. Above all, no ChatGPT!  The Honor Code applies.  Your essay must be absolutely, totally, irrefutably, and unmistakably your own work.

We will evaluate your essay according to five familiar criteria: 1) Your understanding of Child of the Dark and how it connects to themes in our course; 2) Your understanding of the contending interpretations of Carolina Maria’s life story; 3) The clarity and consistency of your response; 4) Your use of readings, discussion sessions, films, and/or lectures to back up your points concretely; and 5) Your demonstrated ability to think for yourself.


As always, I have advice.

      1. Read this assignment closely the moment you receive it. It may seem complicated. But if you allow its elements to percolate in your head for a while, you will find that they all flow together.
      2. You have a week and a-half to complete this assignment. Do not put it off until the last moment. In fact, since you have other assignments coming your way during exam week, get this assignment done as soon as you can (or at least write a rough draft).  You are quite welcome to turn it in early.
      3. Don’t forget your greatest human resources.  Visit your TA, the Writing Center, and me.  We are here to help. Otherwise, do not discuss this assignment with anyone else.

We are always delighted to read and comment on a draft of your first paragraph and the first sentence of your second paragraph. Otherwise, we will leave the rest of your essay up to you.

The Registrar requires us to turn in our grades quickly. For this reason, if you would like extensive comments on your essay after the semester ends, just let us know.  We will be glad to provide them!

Deadline. You must submit your essay to your TA no later than 12:00 NOON, on Tuesday, December 12. 

It has been a great pleasure working with you this semester.  Make the most of your privileged remaining years at ND. And stay in touch!

Good luck!