Women’s Sports

Here’s a personal opinion about a subject you have just debated in your discussion section:  I am a strong supporter of both women’s and men’s athletics at ND, and I have served on the Faculty Board on Athletics.  You may have heard about the recent politicization of the loss of the American team in the Women’s World Cup.  In my view, it is fine if one wants to criticize the team’s execution; however, it’s another thing entirely to criticize women players who have asked that they receive equitable treatment in athletic competition.  I’m posting a defense of my view below.  Feel free to disagree with the author; and by all means, feel free to disagree with me. I like disagreement and encourage it in all my classes. As you can see above, I will do everything I can to get you to disagree–especially if it means disagreeing with your own opinion!

Lindsay Crouse, “Cup Final, But the Legacy is all around us” READ