Category Archives: Uncategorized

US Producer Makes UK Show

Interesting quote in here from Paul Feig, who you may know as the creator of Freaks and Geeks and director of Bridesmaids, and who is creating a mock-talk show comedy with American hosts for Sky Atlantic after it got rejected … Continue reading

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Yep…I’m good

Week after week, we have seen British television comedies hit many notes…some funny, some less entertaining. This week, at least in two cases, I am suffciently disturbed. I can admire the wit of The Thick of It, but not the … Continue reading

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“Yes, Prime Minister” to make a return to UKTV Gold

This news dropped early this morning – the “constitutional treasure” will return, produced by BBC Productions.    

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Old Gregg

Anyone else think The Mighty Boosh seem really familiar? Old Gregg is a YouTube hit from a few years ago which most of my friends have seen, though none of us had any context. Very bizarre. And very similar to … Continue reading

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Ofcom and biased perspectives

I was really intrigued by “The Promise,” both in content and because of what Prof. Becker mentioned about complaints on the program’s ideology. Without having seen the entire series – and with a few gaps in our viewing of the first … Continue reading

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Him and Her: Still too zany?

Much like Kelly, I was very impressed with the concept of Him and Her, and found it a very refreshing change of pace from the majority of comedies on both American and British television. I absolutely love the idea of … Continue reading

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Natural Humor in “Him and Her”

As far as I can tell, Him and Her was one of the few comedies that was received well amongst our class. As usual, it is refreshing to watch a British comedy and see that the United Kingdom can take … Continue reading

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Promising. But Consistent?

Heading into the viewing of The Promise, I have to say that I was pretty excited. Although watching an intense, politically charged show right after a light-hearted comedy is not the ideal circumstance, I was nevertheless interested to see a … Continue reading

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Network Legitimacy

I think that “The Promise” was an outstanding drama that achieved exactly what Channel 4 was looking for it to do. If Channel 4 was looking for an ambitious and edgy but well done drama that would help legitimize their … Continue reading

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“The Promise” and Channel 4

I think the BBC missed out with this one. The first episode of “The Promise” to me was a very well-done, thoughtful, and sometimes shocking drama. The footage of the liberated concentration camps was particularly hard to stomach, and then … Continue reading

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Him and Her and a Limited Budget

I hate to piggy-back on Erin’s discussion of the bottle episode-ness of Him and Her, but it was also the first thing that came to mind as we watched the show, and fits in with the budget constraints for British … Continue reading

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Dr. Who’s New Companion Announced!

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Refreshing normality in Him & Her

After viewing the episode of Him & Her, I went back and reread the description of the program: “Intimate, anti-romantic comedy about real-life love in its lazy, messy, everyday glory.” I applaud the creator of Him & Her for exploring … Continue reading

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Broken Promise

Here’s a chunk of what we missed from The Promise.

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Him and Her in a Bottle

While watching this week’s episode of Him and Her, I couldn’t help but constantly be reminded of a Friends episode entitled “The One Where No One’s Ready”. That episode took place in real time, solely in Monica and Rachel’s apartment, … Continue reading

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