Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Downton Abbey”: If your mum watches it…do you?

Prior to our class screening, I asked one of my friends from London about Downton Abbey.  His response?  “I’ve heard it’s excellent, but my mum watches it, so I’ve stayed away.” I think it’s interesting to point out that my … Continue reading

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Ads That Play to Your Gender

Not TV, but relevant enough: “A billboard that went up on Wednesday in London uses facial-recognition technology to know – 90% of the time – whether you’re a man or woman. And it gives you a different advertisement depending on … Continue reading

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Adele receives apology for flipping the bird!

Just as Maija mentioned in class yesterday, Adele received an apology for being kicked off stage at the Brit Awards–but not before she flipped off the camera!

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“Benidorm” Keeping in Line with Unique British Humor

We haven’t watched many sitcoms this semester. Or maybe I should clarify; I do not think we have watched many sitcoms that are similar with the type we are comfortable with in America.  We all have our favorite American sitcoms, … Continue reading

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Downton Abbey and U.S. appeal

I was extremely impressed and intrigued by the first episode of Downton Abbey. Not only did it come across as polished and professional, but the show maintained a sense of opulence throughout, encouraging the idea of escapism among viewers. The high … Continue reading

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Downton Abbey Parody

What’s interesting to me about this (besides the fact that it’s hilarious) is that the first few minutes in particular mock the show for being pretentious. The idea that an ITV show would be targeted for pretentiousness is significant. (Also, … Continue reading

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Gameshows and Channel Branding

Game shows fascinate me. I don’t actually watch any, but the history of the game show on television is really interesting, especially since people have been making that argument that they fill public service mandates for decades. Since we were … Continue reading

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An excellent House/Sherlock crossover vid, taking advantage of the fact that Benedict Cumberbatch once played Hugh Laurie’s son in a 2003 TV series. But one warning: the ending of Sherlock‘s Series 2 is spoiled near the end, so don’t watch past … Continue reading

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What’s the point of a mandate if you don’t follow it?

After spending the whole week learning about Channel 4 and its somewhat unique position within British broadcasting, I’ve come to the conclusion that, from what I’ve seen, the channel has essentially abandoned its mandate. I’m not faulting the network for … Continue reading

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Bigger. Fatter. More Sexist.

Kim Akass says don’t forget that Big Fat Gypsy Weddings is also sexist. But here’s a brief defense of the show (after a section about how boring BBC docs about the countryside are): “Is it exploitative? Is it voyeuristic? Is … Continue reading

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Trash or Treasure? Probably both

Since the majority of posts are focusing on the trashiness or the shear discomfort from the Channel 4 shows we watched, I’ve decided to play the role of devil’s advocate. I’ll begin with the old adage “one man’s trash is … Continue reading

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Channel 4 drops the ball with “Big Fat Gypsy Wedding”

If BBC is the staid channel of British television, providing programming that looks to “inform, educate, and entertain,” than Channel 4 is its rambunctious little sister that nevertheless is supposed to impress. Channel 4’s reigning motto is “Television with a … Continue reading

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We Can’t Stop Watching

Our viewings this week definitely supported the readings assigned, highlighting the fact that Channel 4’s programs thrive off of uncomfortable and innovative programming. All three shows successfully made me uneasy in some way, whether it be constant eye contact, sexist … Continue reading

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Charlie Brooker’s Idea

Here’s a Charlie Brooker Screenwipe bit indicating that British TV isn’t very different from American TV after all:

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Is ‘Big Fat Gypsy Weddings’ Informative or Just Sensationalistic?

With everything that reality television means to our culture, it is easy to watch Big Fat Gypsy Weddings as something of a Jersey Shore freak show. Much like Jersey Shore, the lifestyle is one that I can’t even being to … Continue reading

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