An updated list of publications is also available on Google Scholar.
The list below includes selected conference proceedings, patents and manuscripts available as a preprint. * = co-corresponding author
62. Gazzo, D.V., Zartman, J.J. (2025). Calcium Imaging in Drosophila. In: Gorvin, C.M. (eds) Calcium Signaling. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2861. Humana, New York, NY.
61. Tan, S., Zhu, X., Zartman, J. J., Deng, Q. Low-cost Polyethylene Terephthalate Lamination Microfluidics Designs for Multiplexed Zebrafish Imaging. J. Vis. Exp. (211), e67313, doi:10.3791/67313 (2024).
60. Shaikh, R., Larson, N.J., Kam, J. et al. “Optimal performance objectives in the highly conserved bone morphogenetic protein signaling pathway.” npj Syst Biol Appl 10, 103 (2024).
59. Mim, M.S., Kumar, N., Levis, M., Unger, M.F., Miranda, G., Gazzo, D.V., Robinett, T., Zartman, J.J. “Piezo regulates epithelial topology and promotes precision in organ size control”. Cell Reports, 39(2), 114398.
58. Levis M, Sacco F, Velagala V, Ontiveros F, Zartman JJ. “Mechanical Compression of Drosophila Embryos Using Rapid Fabrication Microfluidic Devices.” Methods Mol Biol. 2024;2805:153-160. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3854-5_10. PMID: 39008180.
57. Gazzo, D.V., Kinzer-Ursem, T.L., Zartman, J.J., “Proteins clump: Mechanics and transport during neurodegeneration” (Biophysical Journal, Volume 123, Issue 16, 2024, Pages 2360-2362, ISSN 0006-3495).
56. Kumar, N., Mim, M.S., Dowling, A., Zartman, J.J. “Reverse engineering morphogenesis through Bayesian optimization of physics-based models.” npj Syst Biol Appl 10, 49 (2024).
55. Preprint: David V. Gazzo, Jeremiah J. Zartman. Calcium Imaging in Drosophila Organs, 26 April 2024, PROTOCOL (Version 1) available at Protocol Exchange [].
54. Levis, M.@, Sacco, F., Velagala, V.@, Ontiveros, F., Zartman, J.J.* “Controlled Mechanical Loading in Developmental Biology Studies Using PETL Microfluidic Devices” (book chapter, Tissue Morphogenesis, 2nd edition, Chapter 11), Methods Molecular Biology, Vol. 2805, Celeste M. Nelson (Eds): Tissue Morphogenesis, May 2024).
53. Shaikh R, Larson NJ, Hanjaya-Putra D, Zartman JJ, Umulis DM, Li L, Reeves GT. “Optimal Performance Objectives in the Highly Conserved Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling Pathway.” In revision and bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; 2024;2024–02. doi:
52. Kumar, Nilay, Kevin Tsai, Mayesha Sahir Mim, Jennifer Rangel Ambriz, Weitao Chen, Jeremiah J. Zartman*=co-corresponding author, and Mark Alber. “Balancing competing effects of tissue growth and cytoskeletal regulation during Drosophila wing disc development.” Nat Commun 15, 2477 (2024).
* Preprint on bioRxiv (2022): 2022-09. doi:
51. Kumar, Nilay, Alexander Dowling, and Jeremiah J. Zartman. “Reverse engineering morphogenesis through Bayesian optimization of physics-based models.” in press, 2024 in npj Systems Biology and Applications
Preprint: bioRxiv (2023): 2023-08. doi:
50. Mayesha Sahir Mim, Caroline Knight, Jeremiah J. Zartman. “Quantitative Insights in Tissue Growth and Morphogenesis with Optogenetics.” Phys Biol. 2023 Sep 28;20(6):061001. PMCID: PMC10594237.
49. Kumar, Nilay, Mayesha Sahir Mim, Megan Levis, Maria Unger, Gabriel Miranda, Trent Robinett, and Jeremiah J. Zartman. “Piezo regulates epithelial topology and promotes precision in organ size control.” bioRxiv (2023): 2023-08. doi:
48. Vijay Velagala, Dharsan K. Soundarrajan, Maria F. Unger, David Gazzo, Nilay Kumar, Jun Li, Jeremiah Zartman “The multimodal action of G alpha q in coordinating growth and homeostasis in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc.” bioRxiv (2023): 2023-01. doi:
47. Huizar, F.J. , Kumar, N, Unger, M, Velagala, V, Wu, Q., Brodskiy, P.A. , Zartman, J.J. “G protein-coupled Receptor Contributions to Wing Growth and Morphogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster.” bioRxiv (2022). doi:
46. Levis, M. , Hyland, C., Zartman, J.J. “Engineering distance learning: the promise and challenges of microfluidics.” (Biomedical Engineering Education, 2023).
45. Flores-Flores, Marycruz, Luis Manuel Muñoz-Nava, Rafael Rodríguez-Muñoz, Jeremiah Zartman, and Marcos Nahmad. “Vestigial-dependent induction contributes to robust patterning but is not essential for wing-fate recruitment in Drosophila.” Biol Open (2023) 12 (5): bio059908.
44. Kumar N@, δ, Huizar FJ@, δ, Farfan-Pira KJ, Soundarrajan DJ, Brodskiy P, Nahmad M, Zartman JJ. MAPPER: A new image analysis pipeline unmasks differential regulation of Drosophila wing features. Frontiers in Genetics. Volume 13, Article 869719, March 2022.
43. Aydin O, Passaro AP, Raman R, Spellicy SE, Weinberg RP, Kamm RD, Sample M, Truskey GA, Zartman J, Dar RD, Palacios S, Wang J, Tordoff J, Montserrat N, Bashir R, Saif MTA, Weiss R. Principles for the design of multicellular engineered living systems. APL Bioengineering. American Institute of Physics; 2022 Mar 1;6(1):010903.
• Selected by the Editors as a Featured Article
• Selected as a Scilight
42. Huizar, F. @, δ , Hill, H.δ , , Bacher, E., Eckert, K., Gulotty, E., Rodriguez, K., Tucker, Z., Banerjee, M., Wiest, O., Zartman, J.* and Ashfeld, B..L. (2022), Rational Design and Identification of Harmine-Inspired, N-Heterocyclic DYRK1A Inhibitors Employing a Functional Genomic In Vivo Drosophila Model System. ChemMedChem. A.
- Selected as a journal cover

Artwork by F. Huizar.
41. Soundarrajan, D. K. @, δ, Huizar, F. J. @, δ, Paravitorghabeh, R. +, δ, Robinett, T. #, & Zartman, J. J.* (2021). From spikes to intercellular waves: Tuning intercellular calcium signaling dynamics modulates organ size control. PLOS Computational Biology, 17(11), e1009543.
* Preprint posted on bioRxiv 649582; doi:
40. Velagala, Vijay@, and Zartman, J.J.* “Pinching and pushing: fold formation in the Drosophila dorsal epidermis,” Biophysical Journal, in press (2021).
39. Nematbakhsh, A.δ, Levis, M.@, Kumar, N.@, Chen, W., Zartman, J.*, Alber, M.* “Epithelial organ shape is generated by patterned actomyosin contractility and maintained by the extracellular matrix.” PLoS Computational Biology 16, no. 8 (2020): e1008105.
* Preprint posted on bioRxiv, 2020.01.22.915272.
38. Howe, E.N., Burnette, M.D.@, Justice, M.E., Clancy, J.W., Guldner, I.H., Schnepp, P.M., Hendrick, V., Aryal, U.K., Specht, A.T., Li, J. and D’Souza-Schorey, C.,, Zartman, J., Zhang, S. “Rab11b-mediated integrin recycling promotes brain metastatic adaptation and outgrowth.” Nature communications, 11(1), pp.1-15 (2020).
* Preprint posted on bioRxiv, 2019. p666750.
37. Huizar, F. @, δ, Soundarrajan, D. @, δ, Paravatigorghabeh, R.+, Zartman, J.J.* “Interplay between morphogen directed positional information systems and physiological signaling.” Developmental dynamics. 2019; 1-14.
36. Levis, M@, Kumar, N.@, Apakian, E.#, Moreno, C.#, Hernandez, U., Olivares, A., Ontiveros, F., Zartman, J.*, “Microfluidics on the fly: Inexpensive rapid fabrication of thermally laminated microfluidic devices for live imaging and multimodal perturbations of multicellular systems” Biomicrofluidics 13, 024111 (2019);
35. Wu, Q.@, Kumar, N.@, Velagala, V.@, Zartman J.* “Tools to reverse-engineer multicellular systems: case studies using the fruit fly.” Journal of Biological Engineering 13, no. 1 (2019): 3
34. Breuer, E.-K., Rao, V., Fukushiro-Lopes, D., Dalheim, A., Burnette, M., Zartman, J., Kaja, S, Wells, C., Campo, L., Curtis, K.J., Romero-Moreno, R., Littlepage, L.E., Niebur, G.L., Nishimura, M.I., Gentile, S. “Potassium channel activity controls breast cancer metastasis by affecting β-catenin signaling.” Cell Death & Disease, 10, no. 3 (2019): 180. doi:10.1038/s41419-019-1429-0.
33. Brodskiy, P. A., Q. Wu, D. K. Soundarrajan, F. J. Huizar, J. Chen, P. Liang, Narciso, C., Levis, M.K., Arredondo-Walsh, N., Chen, D.Z., Zartman, J.J. “Decoding Calcium Signaling Dynamics during Drosophila Wing Disc Development.” Biophysical Journal, 116, no. 4, 19 February 2019: 725-740.
32. Brodskiy, Pavel A., Qinfeng Wu, Nilay Kumar Kumar, Vijay Kumar Naidu Velagala, Kara L. Snyder, Francisco J. Huizar, Seth J. Tautges, Meaghan Snyder, and Jeremiah J. Zartman. “Mapping the calcium signalsome during Drosophila wing development.” IFAC-PapersOnLine 51, no. 19 (2018): 108-109.
31. Kumar, Nilay, Pavel Brodsky, and Jeremiah Zartman. “Single cell analysis of oscillatory Ca2+ signalling in epithelial cells.” IFAC-PapersOnLine 51, no. 19 (2018): 116-117.
30. Paravitorghabeh, Ramezan , and Jeremiah J. Zartman. “Modeling intercellular calcium dynamics in an epithelial organ using Dynamic Mode Decomposition.” IFAC-PapersOnLine 51, no. 19 (2018): 120-123.
29. Zhang, Siyuan, Jeremiah Zartman, David Hoelzle, and Cody Narciso. “Microfluidic devices, systems, and methods for evaluating tissue samples.” U.S. Patent 9,975,121, issued May 22, 2018.
28. Liang, Peixian, Jianxu Chen, Pavel A. Brodskiy, Qinfeng Wu, Yejia Zhang, Yizhe Zhang, Lin Yang, Jeremiah J. Zartman, and Danny Z. Chen. “A new registration approach for dynamic analysis of calcium signals in organs.” In Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018), 2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on, pp. 934-937. IEEE, 2018. Available on Arxiv.
27. Brodskiy, P. and Zartman, J.J. “The embedded consultant: calcium as a signal integrator in developing epithelial tissues.” 2018 Phys. Biol. 15 0510012018 doi: 10.1088/1478-3975/aabb18.
26. Narciso C., Zartman J.J.* “Reverse engineering organogenesis through feedback loops between model systems.” Current opinion in biotechnology, 2017, 52, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.copbio.2017.12.009.
25. Fukushiro-Lopes, D.F., Hegel, A.D., Rao, V., Wyatt, D., Baker, A.T., Breuer, E.K., Osipo, C., Zartman, J.J., Burnette, M., Kaja, S., Kouzoukas, D., Burris, S., Jones, W.K., Gentile, S. “Preclinical study of a Kv11.1 potassium channel activator as antineoplastic approach for breast cancer.” Oncotarget 2017, 9(3): 3321-3337. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.22925.
24. Narciso, C.E., Contento, N.M.+(co-mentored), Storey, T.J., Hoelzle, D.J.*, and Zartman, J.J. “Release of applied mechanical loading stimulates intercellular calcium waves in Drosophila wing discs.” Biophysical Journal. 2017, 113: 2, 491-501. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.05.051.
• Highlighted by Biophysical Journal as “New and Notable”: Kinzer-Ursem, T. (2017). Relieving the Pressure on Tissue Development. Biophysical Journal 113, 360–361.
• Pre-print on bioRxiv (2016): 081869. doi:10.1101/081869.
23. Höök, P., Brito-Robinson, T., Narciso, C., Kim, O., Goodson, R.I., Weisel, J.W., Alber, M.S., and Zartman, J.J. “Whole blood clot optical clearing for nondestructive 3D imaging and quantitative analysis.” Biomedical Optics Express 2017, 8 (8), 3671-3686.
• Optical Society of America
• ScienceDaily
• Microscopy and Analysis
• Biophotonics.World
• Controlled Environments:
22. Nematbakhsh, A., Sun, W., Brodskiy, P. A., Amiri, A., Narciso, C., Xu, Z., Zartman, J.J., and Alber, M.S. “Multi-scale computational study of the mechanical regulation of cell mitotic rounding in epithelia.” PLOS Computational Biology 2017, 13: e1005533. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005533. Preprint on bioRxiv (2016): 037820.
21. Kursawe, J., Bardenet, R., Zartman, J.J., Baker, R. E., and Fletcher, A.G. “Robust Cell Tracking in Epithelial Tissues through Identification of Maximum Common Subgraphs.” Journal of The Royal Society Interface 2016, 13(124): 20160725. doi:10.1098/rsif.2016.0725.
Preprint on bioRxiv (2016): 049551.
20. Narciso, C., Cowdrick, K.R., Zellmer, V., Brito-Robinson, T.+, Brodskiy, P.@, Hoelzle, D.J., Zhang, S., Zartman, J.J. “On-chip three-dimensional tissue histology for microbiopsies.” Biomicrofluidics. 2016, 10(2): 021101.
Press: AIP Eurekalert, Genengnews
19. Kursawe, J., Brodskiy, P., Zartman, J.J., Baker, R.E., Fletcher, A.G. “Capabilities and Limitations of Tissue Size Control Through Passive Mechanical Forces.” PLoS Comput. Biol. 2015, 11(12):e1004679.
Pre-print on BioRxiv: doi:
18. Burnette, M., Zartman, J.J. “Spatiotemporal patterning of polyamines during Drosophila development”. Amino Acids 2015, 47(12), 2665-2670.
17. Narciso, C.E., Wu, Q., Brodskiy, P., Garston, G., Baker, R.E., Fletcher, A.G., Zartman, J.J.* “Patterning of Wound-Induced Intercellular Ca2+ Flashes in a Developing Epithelium.” Physical Biology. 2015, 12(5): 056005. DOI: 10.1088/1478-3975/12/5/056005.
16. Burnette, M., Brito-Robinson, T., Li J., Zartman, J. “An inverse small molecule screen to design a chemically defined medium supporting long-term growth of Drosophila cell lines.” Molecular BioSystems 2014, DOI: 10.1039/C4MB00155A.
15. Buchmann, A., Alber, M., Zartman, J.J., “Sizing it up: The mechanical feedback hypothesis of organ growth regulation.” Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2014.06.018.
14. Restrepo, S., Zartman, J.J., and Basler, K. “Cultivation and Live Imaging of Drosophila Imaginal Discs.” Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2016, 1478: 203–213. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-6371-3_11.
13. Restrepo, S.δ, Zartman, J.J.δ, Basler, K. “Coordination of Patterning and Growth by the Morphogen DPP.” Current Biology 2014, 24: R245–R255.
12. Zartman, J.δ, Restrepo, S.δ, Basler, K. “A high-throughput template for optimizing Drosophila organ culture with response-surface methods.” Development. 2013: 140(3):667–674.
11. Zartman, J.J., Cheung, L.S.δ, Niepielko, M.G., Bonini, C., Haley, B., Yakoby, N., Shvartsman, S.Y. “Pattern formation by a moving morphogen source.” Physical Biology 2011, 8(4):045003.
10. Zartman, J.J. and Shvartsman, S.Y. “Unit Operations of Tissue Development: Epithelial Folding.” Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 2010, 1:231-46.
9. Zartman, J.J., Kanodia, J.S., Cheung, L.S., Shvartsman, S.Y. “Feedback control of the EGFR signaling gradient: superposition of domain-splitting events in Drosophila oogenesis.” Development, 2009, 136(17):2903-2911.
8. Yan, S-J, Zartman, J.J., Zhang, M., Scott, A., Shvartsman, S.Y., Li, W.X. “Bistability coordinates activation of the EGFR and DPP pathways in Drosophila vein differentiation.” Molecular Systems Biology, 2009, 5:278.
7. Zartman, J.J., Kanodia, J.S., Yakoby, N., Schafer, X., Watson, C., Schlichting, K., Dahmann, C., Shvartsman, S.Y. “Expression patterns of cadherin genes in Drosophila oogenesis.” Gene Expression Patterns, 2009, 9(1):31-36.
6. Yakoby, N., Bristow, C.A., Gong, D., Schafer, X., Lembong, J., Zartman, J.J., Halfon, M.S., Schupbach, T., Shvartsman, S.Y. “A Combinatorial Code for Pattern Formation in Drosophila Oogenesis.” Developmental Cell, 2008: 15(5):725-737.
5. Zartman, J.J., Yakoby, N., Bristow, C.A., Zhou, X., Schlichting, K., Dahmann, C. and Shvartsman, S.Y. “Cad74A is regulated by BR and is required for robust dorsal appendage formation in Drosophila oogenesis.” Developmental Biology, 2008, 322:289-301.
4. Zartman, J.J., and Shvartsman, S.Y. “Enhancer organization: transistor with a twist or something in a different vein?” Current Biology, 2007, 17(24):R1048-1050.
3. Pekny, M., Zartman, J., Krantz, W., Greenberg, A., Todd, P. “Flow-visualization during macrovoid pore formation in dry-cast cellulose acetate membranes.” Journal of Membrane Science, 2003, 211:71-90.
2. Khare, V., Greenberg, A., Zartman, J., Krantz, W., Todd, P. “Macrovoid growth during polymer membrane casting.” Desalination, 2002, 145:17-23.
1. Pekny, M.R., Zartman, J., Greenberg, A.R., Krantz, W.B., Todd, P. “Macrovoid pore formation in dry-east cellulose acetate membranes: buoyancy studies.” Journal of Membrane Science, 2002, 205:11-21.