Test GET electronics with internal pulsers

1. run GetController and open test recorded as test

the configurations are listed below,

ECC: 46002

Hardware: hardwareDescription_fullCoBoStandAlone.xcfg
Conditions: configure-pulser.xcfg
Data: /home/daq/DAQ/example_pulser/data

where is the network card connecting to the data port of the Cobo, is the ip of the control part of Cobo

2. open the vmplayer and turn on windows 10. Open the Winner Power Supply application (making sure the usb channel of the power supply is connected to Windows 10, not ubuntu)

The output of the power supply is set to be 3.6 V.

3. Open one terminal, type getEccServer
Open another terminal, type GetEccController

Also in the configure-pulser.xcfg file, the Setup->Node->Instance[*]->Asad[?]->Control->isActive needs to be set correctly for connected AsAd. If not the program will not run.

then, simply sequentially click Load Hw, Configure, and Start. When finish click stop and reset.

4. To view the offline data, you can use cobo-frame-viewer .

Installing GET software

For Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, the DAQ software prerequisites can be fulfilled by simply typing
sudo apt-get install subversion g++ automake autoconf libtool pkg-config  libboost-all-dev libreadline-dev libncurses-dev libqt4-dev libqwt-dev libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev zeroc-ice zeroc-icee gsoap liblog4cxx10-dev libmysqlclient-dev
The software package can be found in
but the installation path needs to be changed to PREFIX=/usr, as /usr/local/bin is not the default path Ubuntu will look through.


RELEASE=20170928 DEST=/tmp/20170928 source ./download_get_components.sh
SRC=/tmp/20170928 PREFIX=/usr/local source ./install_get_components.sh

The 20170928 is the release date, which you can find in https://dsm-trac.cea.fr/get/wiki/Releases.


Run Cobo with internal pulser

After decompressing the tarball:

– open a terminal and, from the config subdirectory, run getEccServer
– open a terminal and, from the data directory, run dataRouter (GetController must not be running as dataRouter uses the same port)
– open a terminal and, from the config subdirectory, run getEccClient
– from the prompt of getEccClient, execute “exec init_and_start.ecc”