PalEON at ESA and JSM 2015

Post by Jody Peters, PalEON Program Manager

Next week is a big week for PalEON at two meetings, the 100th annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) in Baltimore, Maryland, August 9-14, and the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) in Seattle, Washington, August 8-13.

From the contingent of PalEON-ites at JSM, Colorado State graduate student, John Tipton will be giving both an invited talk and an invited poster on “A multi-scale reconstruction of bivariate paleoclimate from tree rings widths using a biologically motivated growth model.”
The poster is hosted by STATMOS from 9:30-10:15 on Sunday, August 9 and the talk is an invited ASA ENVR Student Paper Awards session from 8:30-10:20 on Tuesday, August 11.

We also have a large number of PalEON-ites that will be going to ESA. Below is the schedule of PalEON talks and posters.

It is going to be a great week of sharing the work PalEON has been doing!

ESA 2015 schedule