Thank You

Dear Development Team,

As I prepare to leave on my cross-country bike ride and transition into my new role for the University of Notre Dame out West, I have taken the opportunity to do a lot of reflecting on the past. I wanted to send along a note of thanks to everyone who worked hard and supported the College of Science over these past seven years. We have engaged in the mission of the University through service and by applying science to human health.

You have played a key role with us every step of the way—through fundraising to support our work in cancer, rare diseases, stem cell, drug discovery, nuclear physics, mathematics, and the list goes on and on. So many of you have helped promote our events, been great partners in stewardship, and were great traveling companions when we went on donor visits. You have supported the bike ride through fundraising (even rode with me on occasion), attended our spin-a-thons and luncheons, and even toured a zebrasfish facility. You have been a wonderful partner in all of our initiatives. You have participated in everything we were trying to accomplish, even some of our more half-baked ideas.

Thank you for your partnerships, your friendships, your camaraderie, and most of all your virtuous style of engaging the mission with us—your confidence in our vision, your courage to join with us on bold initiatives, your passion to share in our enthusiasm for the work. It has been quite a ride, figuratively and literally.

I am deeply indebted to you and admire all that you do.

Yours in Notre Dame,

Greg Crawford

2 thoughts on “Thank You

  1. God speed! You have been an inspiration to us all. Thank you for your commitment to Our Lady’s University and cancer research.

  2. You are going to continue to do great things and I am excited to hear about your many successes to come. I understand you have assembled a fabulous team of Alum to work with in California, one of which is my brother Bob.

    “Each man in his own way wishes to be an agent for change and for good. We are fortunate at the University to have ……. as a conduit through which we can be a part of something larger than ourselves and achieve that goal.”
    Gregory P. Crawford
    Dean, College of Science