Fellowship Opportunity with Michigan Public Service Commission

There is a fellowship opportunity with the Michigan Public Service Commissioner (PSC) funded by the NYU School of Law Energy and Environmental Impact Center. The work of the PSC takes place in a rapidly evolving energy landscape, with an emphasis on mitigating and adapting to climate change, while maintaining reliable, safe, and affordable energy supplies.  The Fellow will work with a team of advisors on reviewing initial implementation cases pertaining to new clean energy laws; developing position party summaries; reviewing utility rate cases, transmission line cases, or pipeline siting cases.  

The fellowship sponsors recent masters or law schools graduates from across the country to work full-time for 2 years at Public Utility Commissions across the country to advance power system resilience and accelerate affordable clean energy opportunities. Here is a link to the job description with details on how to apply: https://stateimpactcenter.org/about/fellows-program/apply-to-be-a-state-commission-fellow

If applicants have any questions or if they would like to discuss this opportunity further, they can reach out to Jessica Bell (jessica.bell@nyu.edu).