Meaningful relationships and high performing teams have something in common: both are built on trust and candor.
At the University of Notre Dame, we will continue to learn how having courageous conversations is not only effective but also compassionate. Being candid is a tool we can use to both challenge and support. An environment where all coach and all are coached is one where Notre Dame can be at its best.
Research indicates employees want more coaching. Hearing about what they do well is helpful, but employees recognize that feedback about what they could do better and how they can make bigger contributions has more value to them. In spite of this realization, managers are reluctant to give the type of coaching employees most crave.
Being courageous about coaching conversations has benefits to everyone. Aside from employees receiving feedback, there are measurable increases in productivity, engagement, and results when coaching is part of a coaching culture.
“Coaching for Greater Effectiveness” is a workshop designed to help those who lead start learning a new skill – coaching. During the workshop, participants will have opportunities to learn techniques and concepts and then practice them in a safe environment. One workshop will not create the culture we’re striving to instill. Therefore, there will be follow-up materials and experiences for leaders to utilize as they begin applying coaching to their regular interactions with employees.