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Coaching in Times of Change Mini Session

On January 14, 2020, we hosted a Coaching Mini Session on Coaching in Times of Change.

We are sharing the materials we covered during this session in case participants would like to refer to them and in case people who were not able to attend would like to review them.

Materials from Coaching Mini Session on Coaching in Times of Change

  1. Coaching in Times of Change Session Slides
  2. Coaching in Times of Change Handout
  3. Pros and Cons of Change

For more information about this coaching mini session, please contact session presenter Kelly McNally, Executive Administrator at Hesburgh Libraries at


A Brief Review of an Excellent Change Management Article – Learning To Doing To Being (by Scott Siler)

I loved this article from Better Up, Learning to Doing to Being, especially since it mirrors very closely the ADKAR® method (from Prosci) that we use in change management here at Notre Dame OIT.

In ADKAR®, Awareness of why a change is being made and the Desire to make the change must precede Knowledge (or training) in order for the training to be as effective as possible.

In the article, “individual mindset determines individual outcomes” is very similar to the Desire aspect of ADKAR®. Think back to a class you had in college when you didn’t really want to be there; you probably didn’t learn much or at least not as much as you could have since you weren’t an engaged learner.

The second A of ADKAR® is Ability while R stands for Reinforcement. In the article, the Doing phase (phase 2) correlates to Ability and Reinforcement. From the article, “…change is effortful and requires a combination of motivation, confidence, and ability” as well as making several references to reinforcement as part of the coaching process.

In the article, Phase 3 (Being) is characterized by “…an awareness of the change achieved”. Similarly, in change management, Reinforcement includes celebrating successes to recognize the achievement that individuals or teams have accomplished. Also in Phase 3 of the article, it mentions “…positive emotional contagion with those with whom they work”. In change management, the concept of change champions is very popular. Change champions are those who believe in the change, have possibly gone through the change already themselves, and help bring others on board along the way.

If you’re interested in learning more about managing change at the individual or team level, please feel free to contact me at