I am a graduate student in mathematics at The University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. My PhD advisor is Anand Pillay.
My primary research interests are in model theory and differential algebra. I am also broadly interested in the interactions between logic and group theory.
Here is my CV.
David Meretzky and Anand Pillay. “Picard-Vessiot extensions, linear differential algebraic groups, and their torsors.” Communications in Algebra (2024): 1–14. Web.
Omar León Sanchez, David Meretzky, and Anand Pillay. “More on Galois cohomology, definability and differential algebraic groups.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic (2024): 1–19. Web.
David Meretzky. “The short exact sequence in definable Galois cohomology.” (2024).
arXiv:2408.04147 (Accepted at JSL, to appear shortly).
Other Links
I help organize the Notre Dame Graduate Student Logic Seminar
dmeretzk at nd dot edu