Interested in being a reviewer for the JDSE?
Become a part of a large network of peers and young scientists at Notre Dame who are helping disseminate data science and societal discoveries!
As a reviewer for the Journal of Data and Societal endeavors (JDSE), you will have the opportunity to learn what is like on the “other side” of the peer review process by aiding in reviewing submissions and providing feedback to journal applicants. Your position as a reviewer directly influences the growth and motivations of the journal!
To become a reviewer of the JDSE you must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- You must be either a currently enrolled University of Notre Dame student (graduate, undergraduate, JD, MBA, MS), or a current Notre Dame faculty member (post-doctoral, research scientist, assistant/teaching/associate professor)
- (If you are an undergraduate student) you are (at least) a 3rd-year undergraduate student.
- You must be in good academic standing (i.e., not on academic probation).
- You must have had some prior experience with a data science technique in any application resulting in some form of societal good.
To apply for a reviewer position in the JDSE, please fill out this interest form!
Additionally, please sign the following JDSE_reviewer_agreement_form, and attach it within the interest form (located at the second-to-last item within the form).
You can find reviewer instructions and responsibilities on our page: For reviewers.
Interested in joining the editorial board of the JDSE?
As of August 2024, we have several positions for section editors (see Editorial Board).
Become a part of the leading team at the JDSE who are helping organize and manage data science and societal discoveries at the University of Notre Dame!
To become an JDSE editorial board member you must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- You must be a currently enrolled University of Notre Dame student (graduate, undergraduate, JD, MBA, MS) (not a current Notre Dame faculty member (post-doctoral, research scientist, assistant/teaching/associate professor).
- (If you are an undergraduate student) you are (at least) a 3rd-year undergraduate student.
- You must be in good academic standing (i.e., not on academic probation).
- You must have had some prior experience with a data science technique in any application resulting in some form of societal good.
To apply for an editorial board member position in the JDSE, please fill out this interest form and provide your resume/CV (uploaded in the form)!
Additionally, please sign the following “JDSE_editorial_board_member_agreement_form,” and attach it within the interest form (located towards the end of the form).