Pre Work Assignments

Information Request Form

We’re thrilled to have you as part of our program! To ensure that your experience with us is as smooth and enjoyable as possible, we kindly ask you to fill out the information form below. Your responses will help us tailor our services to accommodate any specific needs or preferences you may have.

Melvin Dowdy

The Leadership Circle Profile 360 Survey Process

Mel Dowdy – The Leadership Circle 360 Circle Survey Process

March 11, 2024 – Recommended Deadline to Enter Evaluators
March 25, 2024 – Recommended Deadline for Evaluators to Complete Feedback Survey
March 25, 2024 – Recommended Deadline for Participants to Complete Self Survey

Your participation in The Leadership Circle Profile 360-degree survey process is a critical and required part of the Inspirational Leadership at Kylemore experience.

The Leadership Circle Profile 360° survey consists of a self-evaluation, peer feedback, and supervisor feedback.  Collectively, this input provides you the opportunity to gain a deeper, more insightful, understanding of yourself and your relationship to others.

The 360° survey process consists of 4 steps: 

Step One: Watch for your login email

You will receive an email from It will include your personal assessment link and instructions on how to log-on to The Leadership Circle 360°. (Please check your spam folder if you do not see your login email in your email inbox by March 8, 2024). 

Step Two: Determine Your Evaluators

You will need to identify your evaluators for this process before you are able to complete your self-assessment. Please start the process immediately by identifying your evaluators. You will want to provide them the time they need to provide feedback on your 360. The evaluators that you have for each category should fulfill the requirements below. 

  1. Boss  this is the person to whom you report. The person’s quantitative responses will be identifiable (not anonymous).
  2. Boss’ Boss – this is the person your boss reports to. This person’s quantitative responses will be identifiable (not anonymous).
  3. Peers/Colleagues – we recommend including all with whom you interact regularly enough to observe you.
  4. Direct Reports – individuals whom you supervise. We recommend including all subordinates (5 if possible)
  5. Others – at least 3 of your choosing (this might include those in other organizations, or other close associates, constituents, or respected people in your circle of interaction, etc.)

When choosing evaluators, select individuals with whom you have substantial, meaningful interaction and which reflect a full perspective of your interactions in your role. Choose people who (especially when combined) meet the following characteristics:

  • Know you well
  • Will provide you with candid feedback
  • Have good motives for your development and take seriously your request for feedback
  • Understand your job responsibilities and areas of influence
  • Can describe you in relation to the many roles you play on the job

Once you have determined your evaluators for each category, it is best to send an e-mail asking them to contribute to your leadership development process. (Please see the draft email at the end of this document that can be used to send to your evaluators.)   After sending the e-mail, you will then set up your evaluators in the system.  To do so, log onto The Leadership Circle (using your link) and follow the prompts to add your evaluators and their e-mail addresses. 

The system will then send each of your evaluators a log-in e-mail so they can complete your feedback.  (Please note: After setting up your evaluators in the system, be sure to double-check your email entries to ensure that the email addresses have been entered accurately.) Please input your evaluators into the system as soon as possible, but no later than Monday, March 11, 2024. 

You’ll need at least 3 evaluators in each category to respond in order for each data set to be broken out by category. For example, if you only listed 2 “Direct Reports,” their data would be included in the overall results, but not reported as a separate category, in order to protect their anonymity.  The exception to this anonymity rule is your Boss, or Boss’ Boss for whom data is not grouped with any other data and is directly attributable to that individual.  The “Other” category is a good place for either a variety of individuals who do not fit easily into the other categories or a particular constituency (stakeholders, customers, reports of direct reports, etc.)  The goal is to receive a minimum of 10 feedback responses in total.  Keep in mind that to receive 10 responses, you will likely need to invite 15 or more people to participate in the process. 

Step Three: Complete the Online Self-Assessment

Your self-survey should only take about 20 minutes to complete.  Your due date for completing the self-survey and receiving feedback from your evaluators is Monday, March 25, 2024.

Step Four: Feedback Session with your Full Circle Group Coach

You will receive your profile during Inspirational Leadership at Kylemore Abbey. You will also have a 90-minute Executive Coaching session utilizing these results.

Thank you for your participation in The Leadership Circle Profile 360° survey.  We appreciate the opportunity to assist you in your leadership development.  If you have questions regarding the process, please contact Caitriona Curran at

The e-mail below is provided to assist you in sending an invitation for feedback to each of your evaluators.  Please download the e-mail template below, then copy and paste the text (of course you can modify if desired) for each of your evaluators.  

Important note: please be sure to send this e-mail BEFORE setting up your evaluators on The Leadership Circle site, to prepare them for the e-mail they will receive with their log-on information. 

If you have any questions, please contact Caitriona Curran at

Reviewer Email

Paul Slaggert

Strategic Business Issue Identification

To apply any new perspectives you gain during the week at Kylemore, please identify and submit a complex problem in which you are directly involved, have a large stake, and are responsible for resolving. An ideal Strategic Business Issue is a current, relevant, strategic or leadership question, issue, challenge, problem or opportunity that you are facing. These Strategic Business Issues are complex and not easy to solve, plus they require time and thought to reach resolution. The Integral framework, tools and perspectives introduced during the program will assist in exploring and resolving your issue.

During the week, you will have time to share your issue with a small group and refine your approach for a solution, incorporating new concepts as they are introduced.  Sharing the issue in small groups is designed to allow you to benefit from specific insights and new perspectives provided by your fellow participants.  

There is not a right or wrong question or issue, but it needs to be one with which you are currently struggling or trying to address.  

Here are a few questions to prompt your identification of the Strategic Business Issue you will bring to Inspirational Leadership at Kylemore.  

What key business (organizational, competitive, strategic, etc.) or leadership issue, problem or opportunity are you currently confronting? [For example, attracting and developing new leadership talent.]

What makes this issue, problem or opportunity important? Why is it critical for you or the organization? [For example, the issue impacts how quickly new ideas are translated into new products/services.]

What makes this issue, problem or opportunity a challenge for you? What risks/opportunities do you see in the midst of this situation? [For example, I need to introduce new energy to a team who has been very fractured and internally competitive.]

Are you or your organization now taking any action on this issue? If so, what is it? What effect has this had on addressing or resolving your SBI? [For example, we have hired a team-building consultant who is assessing our team’s capacity for innovation and will give feedback to each of us over the next few weeks before we have our next team retreat.]

What is your current best solution for addressing or resolving your SBI? [For example, conduct team building focused on mutual accountability for introducing innovations to our product line.]

Please provide a short description via the link provided in the Pre-work website of your issue and submit it in by the deadline of March 25.  If your issue changes before the start of the program, please feel free to submit your new issue.