Together with Prof. Huan Xun@University of Michigan, we will host a two-section mini-symposium (MS48) entiled: Physics-aware machine learning for solving and discovering PDEs, part I (MS48) and part II (MS105)
Part I (MS 48), Tuesday, July 20
- 4:30-4:55 Deep Neural Network Modeling of Unknown PDEs in Nodal Space abstract Zhen Chen, Ohio State University, U.S.;
Victor Churchill, Dartmouth College, U.S.; Kailiang Wu and Dongbin Xiu, Ohio State University, U.S.
- 5:00-5:25 Deep Learning Methods for Discovering Physics from Data abstract Joseph Bakarji, Jared L. Callaham, and Kathleen Champion, University of Washington, U.S.; J. Nathan Kutz, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.; Steve Brunton, University of Washington, U.S.
- 5:30-5:55 Data-Driven Learning of Nonlocal Models:from High-Fidelity Simulations to Constitutive Laws abstract Yue Yu and Huaiqian You, Lehigh University, U.S.; Stewart Silling and Marta D’Elia, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.
- 6:00-6:25 Physics-informed Dyna-Style Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Control abstract
Xinyang Liu and Jianxun Wang, University of Notre Dame, U.S.
Part II (MS 105), Friday, July 23
- 3:30-3:55 Optimal Experimental Design for Variational System Identification of Material Physics Phenomena abstract Wanggang Shen, Zhenlin Wang, Krishna Garikipati, and
Xun Huan, University of Michigan, U.S.
- 4:00-4:25 Learning Stochastic Closures Using Sparsity-Promoting Ensemble Kalman InversionabstractJinlong Wu, Tapio Schneider, and Andrew Stuart, California Institute of Technology, U.S.
- 4:30-4:55 PhyCRNet: Physics-Informed Convolutional-Recurrent Network for Solving Spatiotemporal PDEsabstract
Pu Ren and Chengping Rao, Northeastern University, U.S.; Jianxun Wang, University of Notre Dame, U.S.; Yang Liu and Hao Sun, Northeastern University, U.S.
- 5:00-5:25 Practical Uncertainty Quantification for Learning Partial Differential Equations from Data with Deep EnsemblesabstractSteven Atkinson and Panagiotis Tsilifis, GE Global Research, U.S.