Invited Talk at USACM UQ Virtual Seminar Series

I will give invited talk at #USACM#UQ Virtual Seminar Organized by USACM UQ TTA. (Time: 15:00 PM-16:00 PM (EST US), 5/12/2022. Zoom Link: listed below). The topic is about “how to leverage physics in ML for computational mechanics — Physics-informed, PDE-structure preserved Learning for problems with complex geometries”. I am happy to have Prof. Michael Brenner be my discussant sharing his great insights in the field of scientific machine learning #SciML. Also thank the organization committee: Abani PatraSerge Prudhomme, Johann Guilleminot.

In this talk, I will discuss our recent developments of on SciML from several different aspects, including (1) how to leverage physics to inspire network architecture design (PDE-preserved deep learning #PPNN), (2) use physics to inform network training #PINN, (3) physics-informed geometric deep learning (#GeometricDL) for complex geometries and irregular domains. This work is supported National Science Foundation (NSF)#OAC#CMMIAerospace & Mechanical Engineering at Notre DameCenter for Sustainable Energy at Notre Dame, ND-ECI, ND Lucy Institute of Data Science.

Welcome to join us at See you on Thursday

US Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM), TTA: Uncertainty Quantification and Probabilistic Modeling.

Here is the talk recording