Department Seminar at IUPUI (Virtual)

Speaker: Jian-Xun Wang, Date / Time: Nov. 12, 2020, 11:00 – 12:00 pm, Location: (Virtual)


Recent advances in data science techniques, combined with the ever-increasing availability of high-fidelity simulation/measurement data open up new opportunities for developing data-enabled computational modeling of fluid systems. However, compared to most computer science applications, the cost of data acquisition for modeling complex physical/physiological systems is usually expensive or even prohibitive, which poses challenges for directly leveraging the success of existing deep learning models. On the other hand, there is often richness of prior knowledge, including physical laws and phenomenological principles, which can be leveraged to enable efficient learning in the “small data” regime. This talk will focus on physics-informed deep learning (PIDL), which has recently attracted increasing attention in the scientific machine learning community. The objective is to enable effective learning in a data-scarce setting by incorporating physics knowledge (e.g., conservation laws) to inform the learning architecture construction and/or constrain the training process. Our recent developments in PIDL for, e.g., surrogate modeling, super-resolution, and uncertainty quantification, will be presented. The effectiveness of the proposed methods will be demonstrated on a number of fluid problems that are relevant to hemodynamic applications.