Communication with Jacqueline
- We have names of two people to add as staff users. (Justin)
- Has given additional text for the collection display, including physical locations (Aaron & Andy will update)
- 4 additional locations (don’t have records for these)
- There are some e-resources (just Journals?) in Aleph that Tantur should have access too.
- May need to be a separate Aleph export
- Not sure how records are identified
- How are these authenticated? Does it require NetIDs?
- Do not officially circulate at this time. They can go on with the “home system”, but might want to use circulation in the future. May be best to send smart barcodes now.
- Will probably not need patron user records at this time
- Lisa is working on first pass on the Aleph data. Will print off field count for Mary.
- Tom is working on setting up pre-prod server
Next Steps
- Load Aleph records in Koha (Andy & Lisa)
- Add staff users for Tantur (Justin)
- Review collection codes/display (Andy & Aaron)
- Smart barcode job: will Aleph sort the Dewey numbers correctly? (Aaron)
- Mary will identify sample set of records to test sorting