- Stand up new Prod instance (Tom, 1 week)
- Will back-fill into pre-prod later
- Export Aleph Bibs (Aaron)
- Process Bibs for loading (Lisa/Mary)
- Identify fields to delete
- Map holding data to 952
- Set up Collections (has been done in pre-prod)
- Confirm collection codes/display with Jacqueline (Mary)
- Set up staff patrons (Justin)
- Set up user patrons (?) (Justin)
- Review Admin settings
- Set up circulation rules (?) (Andy/Aaron)
- Set up z39.50 (already done in pre-prod)
- Create smart barcode files
- OPAC Customization
- Target for all of above: Dec. 6
- Aleph Cleanup
- OCLC Cleanup
- Identify Bibs unique to Tantur and remove from OCLC