Record Load
- 003 had “OST”, but now see InNd. (Control Number identifier) — Check documentation to see if we can change default.
- Barcodes: will keep barcodes that we have from Aleph. Will print barcodes in call number order.
- URL Preference? Do you prefer something other than Will use
- Need list of “important links”
- Add library links from tantur web site.
- Font size — don’t change for now.
- Alice has given Jacqueline info on how to add call number to results list.
Staff Module
- Would be nice to have Cataloging & Authorities in main menu instead of under “More”
- Not for loan appearing twice
- Checked loan rules for items, all should be non-circulating. OPAC display shows “not for loan”
- Z39.50 — would like to add French National Library, a German Library. Jacqueline will send list to Mary.
- In MARC preview, difficult to see which library the record is coming from.
- Records that came over as In Process IP