Julian Kaufmann, President and Math Bunker Coordinator (jkaufma2@nd.edu)
Julian is a senior living in the Undergraduate Community in Fischer (UCF), but was formerly in Morrissey. He is originally from West Lafayette, Indiana. He is an Honors Mathematics and Aerospace Engineering major. He tutors in the Math Bunker and serves as a grader for the math department. In his free time, he plays cello for the Notre Dame Symphony Orchestra, volunteers with Math Circles, plays racquet sports and games with his friends, and is involved in research. He plans to pursue a PhD in Mathematics.
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Andrew Brooks, Vice-President (abrooks7@nd.edu)
Andrew is a junior living in Dunne Hall from Elmhurst, Illinois. He is an Honors Mathematics & Economics double major with a minor in Scientific Computing. He is also a grader for the math department. In his free time, Andrew enjoys playing tuba in the marching band, watching movies, and playing Mario Tennis with friends. He plans to work in mathematical finance when he graduates.

Emma Laboe, Secretary (elaboe@nd.edu)
Emma is a senior living in UCF from Portland, Oregon. She double-majors in physics and gender studies and does computing research in an experimental physics lab. Outside of class, Emma loves knitting and crocheting, baking tasty treats, and watching women’s soccer (go Thorns!). After graduation, Emma plans on pursuing a PhD in experimental condensed matter physics.

Zack Joseph, Treasurer (zjoseph@nd.edu)
Zach is a senior from Menasha, Wisconsin majoring in Mathematics with an Honors Concentration. He tutors in the Math Bunker, and is involved in Math Circles and tutoring at St. Joseph’s grade school through TutorND. He plans on attending medical school after graduation.

Adriana Baniecki, Junior Class Representative (abanieck@nd.edu)
Adriana is a junior living in Badin Hall from Chandler, Arizona. She is an Honors Math and Physics double-major, with interests in literature and political theory, and also helps tutor in the Math Bunker. In her free time, Adriana loves singing in ND’s all-women Magnificat choir, reading classic novels, painting with watercolors, and hangs out with friends. She plans to pursue a PhD in high-energy theoretical physics.

Finley Shinnick, Sophomore Class Representative (fshinnic@nd.edu)
Finley is a sophomore living in Pasquerilla West from Newbury Park, California majoring in Honors math and Biology. In her free time, she is part of an ecological modeling lab and is on the bagpipe team. She plans to attend medical school following graduation.

Matthew Proctor, Freshman Class Representative (mproctor@nd.edu)
Matthew is a freshman living in Keough Hall from Denver, Colorado. He is an Honors Mathematics major. In his free time, Matthew is involved in soccer analytics, enjoys playing board games with his friends, and loves skiing. After graduation, he plans to pursue a PhD in Mathematics.
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