Category: Free Space

Music break: All secrets known

Here is an Alice in Chains song. It is the first song of the first album after their  original lead singer committed suicide. A sad and hopeful opening. It is as if the wings of the phoenix born from its ashes are broken. I mean, the old glamorous days are over, like a retired colonel watching the children on the street from his corner. Let’s look at the lyrics of the song.

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Against ‘Mainstream’ Feminism

I’ve encountered with an illuminating video that is worth to think about it for a while. Angela Davis is positioning herself against mainstream feminism or Bourgeois feminism. She thinks the mainstream feminism is being a part of the patriarchal hierarchy instead of reaching out the lower levels of hierarchy.  For example, the glass ceiling effect can be discussed for highly educated and, generally, white women who are willing to occupy highest positions in a society whereas women of color, indigenous women, trans women are still suffering from inequality.  See the video to get inspired:

Spaceship drawing for fun

I am a little skeptical of my engineering drawings. Eventually, I’m giving a fine shape but I need to look for practical solutions in drawings. That’s why, I’ve explored more features in CAD. I’m using Siemens NX rather than SolidWorks, Catia, AutoCad etc. I think it is more flexible on drawing constraints. I chose my favorite item in the universe: spaceship!

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Easy, improved, inspired recordings: iZotope Spire

Well… I kept improving my recording abilities; of course the technical ones. I’ve bought a carry-on microphone and recorder: iZotope Spire! It is connected to my iPad with wifi and its application is pretty easy to use. Unfortunately,  my wicked voice can be heard now :/ Anyways… I’m still using GarageBand for drums and keyboards. My old Fender is the lead for sure \m/


Balancing climate change with gender equality

Do we really care about both climate change and gender equality? If yes, please continue! If no, abort mission! World Resources Institute (WRI) has released comprehensive studies since 2016 showing that women’s access to decision-making process, low-carbon industry, infrastructure and transportation can boost energy efficiency, investments in renewable power, and reduction in carbon emissions.

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