Welp, Commencement 2014 is in the history books. We’ve had time to recharge our batteries (literally and metaphorically) and go through the hundreds of pictures we made over the course of the weekend’s events. Here are ten which are memorable to us. Photos are in chronological order, with the initials of the photographer at the beginning of the caption.
-Matt Cashore and Barbara Johnston
BJ – The seniors’ last visit to the Grotto is my favorite Commencement event to shoot because it is visually beautiful and the emotional element is palpable.

May 15, 2014; Seniors gather at the Grotto for their last visit before the 2014 Commencement. Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame
MC – The tradition of academic regalia was on fine display at the Graduate School Commencement Saturday morning. The colors and variety of the robes and hoods and–hey, wait a minute…is that a baseball cap?? I never got the story behind the unique choice in academic attire, but it made me smile.

May 17, 2014; Graduate School Commencement ceremony, 2014. Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame
MC – This is sunrise on Sunday morning. The calm before the storm.

May 18, 2014; Notre Dame Stadium on the morning of the 2014 Commencement ceremony. Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame
BJ – I often like to incorporate reflections in my composition.

May 18, 2014; Graduates process along the reflective pond in front Hesburgh Library to Notre Dame Stadium for the 2014 Commencement ceremony. Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame
BJ – I thought this was a fun moment when Mark Santrach, the valedictorian waved to his classmates from the podium donning a cap with the model of the Duomo in Florence, Italy, before delivering his speech.

May 18, 2014; Mark Santrach, valedictorian of the 2014 graduating class, delivers the valedictory address during the University Commencement ceremonies in the Notre Dame Stadium. Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame
BJ – I just like the way the composition came together.

May 18, 2014; The 2014 Commencement ceremony in the Notre Dame Stadium. Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame
MC – I wanted a photo that said “Commencement Speaker” in a non-specific way. Had to shoot it from a low angle to avoid showing empty seats. Even without 20,000 faces looking at me, that’s still an intimidating place to stand!

May 18, 2014; View from behind the podium at the 2014 Commencement ceremony. Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame
BJ – I always enjoy capturing the pride and joy on the faces of parents, family members and friends at graduation. Of course this was taken in front of the Main Building, while graduates posed for photos on the steps.

May 18, 2014; Family and friends take photographs of graduates on the steps of the Main Building after he 2014 Commencement ceremony. Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame
MC – I have an ongoing collection of graduates doing jumping photos. I never ask them to do it, but I keep an eye and ear out for groups of students posing for their families. Almost always, someone will say “Let’s do a jumping photo!” My Commencement coverage feels incomplete without it.

May 18, 2014; Graduates celebrate in front of Hesburgh Library after Commencement 2014. Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame
MC – Wow! That was quick…this guy’s been an alum for all of 3 hours and he’s already got the sweatshirt. Plaid pants are next.

May 18, 2014; Notre Dame’s newest alumni pack up following the 2014 Commencement ceremony. Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame