Jan 19th, 2011 by David Lantigua
The School of Salamanca, spanning the early sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, was an important intellectual tradition in the Latin West housed at the city’s university in Spain. Although its origins principally lie with the Dominican friar, Francisco de Vitoria, and his confreres Domingo de Soto and Melchor Cano, their unique scholastic blend of Thomistic thought in conversation with Renaissance humanism and canon law later included Augustinians, Jesuits, Carmelites, and Franciscans across the Iberian peninsula, Europe, Asia and the Americas. This site is dedicated to transmitting the legacy of the Salamanca School through current research, relevant links, and conference announcements, among other things. It seeks to facilitate both an interdisciplinary and international conversation about the Salmantine scholastic tradition.

The Medieval Library of Salamanca
Site Moderators:
David Lantigua is an Assistant Professor of Moral Theology/Christian Ethics at the University of Notre Dame
Matthew Gaetano is an Assistant Professor of History at Hillsdale College
Hi David,
I look forward to reading your blog. I will carve out some time this weekend to read through it. Again, I’m so thrilled you have been granted the opportunity to gather your research materials in Salamanca.
You seem to have done excellent work thus far. I’m curious to know if there was a misinterpretation or misapplication as well of correctio fraterna as viewed by Sepulveda/Castro. Ed
Interesting blog and interesting writer! Congrats David!
I found your site on a search for the concept of Just Price, which led me to The School of Salamanca, which led me here. I’m an artist interested in the Conquest period of Mexico, and its affects on Spain. Clearly it affected Mexico, but living here in the Southwest I’ve never heard anyone talk of how Spain was impacted. Would I be correct in assuming that concepts such as Just Price were especially relevant at the time of their discussion at the School of Salamanca because of inflation caused by riches returning from the New World? I haven’t explored these issues too far yet, but I’m very interested. Thanks for this blog!
Dear David,
I would like to thank you for this information. I also work in Transatlantic topics and I am very interested in the School of Salamanca and Thomism. I am specially interested in how this philosophy, the school, and the Dominican friars interacted and how influential they were in Spanish America. I am looking forward to any recommendation.