Welcome back Familia! Join your favorite club on campus this coming Monday, January 22nd, to hear about events and future opportunities to get involved! Food will be provided.

Welcome back Familia! Join your favorite club on campus this coming Monday, January 22nd, to hear about events and future opportunities to get involved! Food will be provided.
Join us today from 6-7pm to kick off the holiday seasons with SHPEmas! Build ginger bread houses and enjoy classic Christmas treat with your favorite club on campus!
Join us on November 17th to hear from and ask question with alumni who stood in your place at Notre Dame! This is a great opportunity to understand just how you fit within the industry and important lessons they learned along the way!
Is the pressure from exams building up? Grades got you pulling out hairs? Join us on November 20th for a special presentation by our guest speaker The McDonald Center for Student Well-Being! Gain tips and tricks to manage stress and the build up as well as the resources allocated for you! Sweet treats will provided as well.
We are so back! Join us this Monday on November 13th to hear from a guest speaker Professor Todd Taylor! Professor Taylor has over 31 years of professional experience at company’s such as Boeing, EDS, Hewlett Packard, and DXC Technology. We will also be handing out free SHPE swag and recap the convention (there will be free food too).
ColorStack is a dedicated organization with a mission to enhance the presence of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous students within the technology sector. We achieve this goal by fostering a sense of community, providing academic support, and offering career development opportunities, all aimed at helping students embark on fulfilling technical careers after graduation.
Interested in joining? Click on the link here to get more information!
If you’re planning to attend the 2023 SHPE National Convention make sure you have these checked off your list to best prepare yourself!
Exploring the many fields of engineering? Stuck between two discernments? Join us on October 2nd to hear more about the real life experience from other students and their major! Food will be provided!