All events are free and open to the public.
Masks are required.
To attend, you must register for the conference events here.

Power in Strength Sports
What: Flash Talks and Panel Discussion Day: Monday, October 25, 2021 Time: 3:30-5 p.m. Where: McKenna Conference Center Room 215 Description: Join us for flash talks and a panel discussion about the role of gender and intersectional identities in strength sports. Talks will cover a range of disciplines including anthropology, kinesiology, history, gender studies, political science, and digital media. Reception to follow. Flash Talk Themes 1) Neoliberalism & Individualism: Responsibility Narratives, Biology Talk, Health/Healing, and Body Shaming Contexts 2) Neocolonialism and Racism: Global, Immigrant and Restorative Justice Contexts 3) Capitalism and Commercial Imagery: Media, Communication, and Discursive Contexts 4) Space, Stigma and Size: Gyms and the Body as Material and Social Contexts
Reclaiming Physical Culture: Moving Through Our Questions
What: Interactive Installment Day: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m. Where: Joyce Center Weight Room - Enter through Gate 4 Description: Join us for an interactive installation where panelists and audience members will think and move through questions related to physical culture and intersectional identities. Come ready to actively participate! Interactive Installment Themes 1) CrossFit 2) Olympic Weightlifting 3) Turnen Demonstration - 1900s club swinging exercise 4) Powerlifting: Deadlift 5) Powerlifting: Bench Press 6) Powerlifting: Squat
Please register for the events here.