From Lynn Hubert:
A good friend of ours, Michael Padrnos, is organizing and sending food and clothing to those in Staten Island, the Church of St. Rita, who are truly suffering the ravages of Hurricane Sandy. Please read below for information and timeline. I’m willing to be the person to deliver the goods to him TOMORROW – yes, late notice. I just learned of his second round of shipments going out WEDNESDAY.
The last two days of listening to continued radio reports of the devastation in the NY boroughs, particularly Staten Island has gotten to me. I’m tired of sitting around feeling helpless out here in Indiana. Decided these people need more than prayers, they need help! I called The Church of St. Rita on Staten Island and talked to an administrator who shared more stories that the news is not picking up. She says that help hasn’t really reached Staten Island yet, so many unknowns as to what’s next, bodies still being found, so many people displaced. Couldn’t believe the call was from Indiana and was so happy people wanted to help. She says they badly need clothes…and of course, non-perishable foods, especially cereal. She says they’ve dubbed themselves the “forgotten borough” since so little help has come to date.
These people are hurting and families are in need right now. So I am going to be shipping clothes from our closets (God knows we can spare some) and dry goods/foods today and Monday and Wednesday of this week. I was given the address of the CYO Center (Catholic Youth Organization) which is part of Catholic Charities on Staten Island. I was told that the Churches are trying not to have donations show up at their churches as they aren’t able to as effectively distribute it as Catholic Charities can.
If anyone would like to ship donated goods on their own accord, the address is…
CYO Center 120 Anderson Ave. Staten Island, NY 10302