Farewell to Amanda Mathews and Lindsey Bennett

Farewell to Amanda Mathews and Lindsey Bennett

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that Amanda Mathews and Lindsey Bennett, administrative support staff for the west region, will be leaving the university to spend time with their families.  The last day at Notre Dame for both will be August 2. Lindsey and Brian reside in South Bend and are due to welcome their daughter on September 20.  They will remain in this area, and Brian continues to work as an education consultant for TechSmith.


Amanda and Adam will relocate to Dayton, Ohio where Adam has secured a position with Dinsmore & Shohl to practice patent law.  They are due to welcome their daughter on September 4.

We will be posting their positions soon.

Please join me in wishing both Lindsey and Amanda well, and thank them for their service to Our Lady’s University.

In Notre Dame,

Kevin P. Cannon

Senior Regional Director, Central Region


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