All the Best, Courtney Quinlan!

Dear UR staff,

Please join me in thanking and congratulating Courtney. She will be pursuing a new career opportunity as social media manager at Family Entertainment TV, a South Bend-based broadcasting company with national and international reach. In her stead, she will leave a special mark on both me personally and on our organization!

In my 18 months working with Courtney, here is what I’ve had the privilege to learn:
Hitting publish, day in and day out, to an audience of over 100,000 — in digital spaces that often bring out the most extreme ends of the human condition — is intimidating. It would have most of us cowering in the closet at each click to publish. But Courtney has what I call nerves of steel. A trait that so many expert golfers share. She has an uncanny ability to perform with ultimate stoicism under pressure, scrutiny, and variable terrain.

Thank you, Courtney, for leading by example and teaching us to respond to fear with fierceness. And for giving me the humility to know I will never hack it as a golfer. Ever.

If you would like to extend your own thanks and congratulations to Courtney, please note that her last day with the NDAA will be Wednesday, Sept. 25. For any questions or concerns related to our digital channels, please reach out to me in the interim while we work to fill her big shoes.

Courtney, we wish you all the best in your role.
With gratitude,


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