Farewell and thank you, Chris!

Dear UR Family,

I write with the bittersweet news that our beloved colleague, Chris Walsh, will be stepping away from his role in development on September 18th after an accomplished 12 years of service at Our Lady’s University.

Chris is known for incredible kindness and care for his colleagues. So many have recently communicated to me the encouragement, thoughtfulness, and mentorship they received from Chris. His impact will continue through those relationships and the positivity he spreads.

Chris’s accomplishments were not limited to his impact on his coworkers. Throughout his twelve years, he accounted for over $100M in production, nearly $5M in unrestricted funds, and 90 total leadership gifts. These gifts varied in their impact, with $18M to the Keough School of Global Affairs, $12M to the College of Science, and $16M to athletics…fitting as a former Notre Dame student-athlete.

In recognition of Chris’s accomplishment, we plan to celebrate him at a later date.

Please join us in expressing our heartfelt gratitude to Chris, Stephanie, and their family.

Tim Kelly
Senior Director, South Region

Pingboard Errors Due to Data Sync Delay


I want to bring to your attention an issue we’ve encountered with our internal directory through the Pingboard platform. Due to a delay in the syncing of data, some information in the directory may be outdated or inaccurate. We are aware of the inconvenience this may cause and are actively working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, we recommend verifying contact information directly with colleagues if needed. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to correct the issue. If you have any urgent concerns or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to Stephanie Washington or Linda Klaybor.

Thank you!

Welcome, Mike Macaluso and Grace Klise

Colleagues and Friends,

I could not be more excited to share the news of two upcoming additions to the AAD team.

Effective September 23, Mike Macaluso will serve as Senior Associate Director – Financial Aid, working closely with Micki Kidder to advance fundraising for Enrollment Division priorities, with a focus on undergraduate financial aid.

Mike earned his bachelor’s degree from Notre Dame in 2004, his M.Ed. from Notre Dame in 2006, and his PhD from Michigan State in 2016. Mike has been employed at Notre Dame since 2016 and currently serves as a Fellow and Academic Supervisor for the Institute for Educational Initiatives. He has served in a number of roles for Notre Dame, including as a core faculty member for the Center for Literacy Education, an Associate Teaching Professor for English Education, and a Summer Scholars faculty member.

In this role, Mike will also supervise three AAD team members: Jason Stoller, Caitlyn Clinton, and our newest hire, Grace (Carroll) Klise.

Grace Klise, who currently serves as the Director of Alumni Engagement at Yale University’s Catholic Center, received her bachelor’s degree from Notre Dame in 2015, her M.Ed. from Notre Dame in 2017, and her M.Div from Notre Dame in 2020. Starting October 28, she will assume the role of Academic Advancement Director for Student Affairs and the Lucy Family Institute, partnering closely with Fr. Gerry Olinger and Nitesh Chawla.

As an undergraduate, Grace was the recipient of the Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C., Leadership Award, which is given to the graduating senior who best embodies Fr. Moreau’s vision of educating the heart and mind as well as someone who has demonstrated significant effort to advance the Catholic character of the University.

Please join me in welcoming Mike and Grace to the Development team!

Matt Gelchion

Annual Giving Fall Renewal Mailing #2

Dear Colleagues,

The second fall renewal mailing (renew #2) drops in mailboxes on Friday, September 6 to our unrestricted and giving society benefactors. As a reminder, this mailing is sent to all assigned and unassigned benefactors whose annual giving is less than $25,000, asking them to renew their previous calendar year gift by their respective fund owner. This mailing is being sent to over 27,000 households and will be followed by email reminders in the weeks to come. If you have any questions regarding our renewal strategy, please reach out to the appropriate fund (Sorin, Rockne, Law, etc.) owner on the annual giving team and they can assist.

Annual Giving Team

Welcome John Gargiulo Anthony!!!

Dear UR Family,

Please join us in congratulating Morgan and her husband, Paul, in welcoming their son, John Gargiulo Anthony, or “Giulo”, to the world and Notre Dame family on August 18th. The family is doing well and appreciate the kindness and support offered by our UR colleagues.

All the best!
