UR Team:
The Notre Dame Alumni Association is pleased to announce the creation of the Young ND Board to guide the University’s engagement with its young alumni. The new board will work closely with the association and with our clubs to serve and engage ND graduates 32 and younger. The board was established as a part of the Re-Envisioning and the Student/Young Alumni strategic plans. We had more than 200 applications and statements of intent submitted for the 16 available positions. Please see the press release here.
The new members include six current or former Notre Dame club young alumni coordinators, three current or former ND club presidents, and two past Notre Dame class presidents. Professionally they work at Google, Groupon, Sotheby’s, Bayer, Target, Willis Towers Watson, and Xerox. We have a doctor, a teacher, an attorney, a legislative assistant, and a Ph.D. candidate in biology.
A big thanks to Kevin Brennan and Jackie Thomas for guiding the selection process with our task force.
They are quite the impressive group!
Best, Bill Gangluff