IWE Update: Work Begins 1/14/19

Construction on the next phase of our Integrated Work Environment space will begin Monday, January 14th. We apologize for any inconvenience caused while the work takes place, but the majority of work will be completed within a week. Attached are the next phase floor plan and renderings shared in November.

Once completed, the following Regional Directors will be sharing this space: M. Abernathy, K. Deeth, S. Forry, M. Futa, G. Heeter, L. Hubert, J. Jessup, S. Jessup, B. Kempf, R. Koval, T. Molnar, J. Meyer, D. Paulsen, T. Reilly, D. Santucci, J. Scarlett, M. Schultz, S. Sollman, A. Wall. Huge thanks to each of them for taking the lead in working in our new environment. While we certainly invite you to explore the new spaces, we ask you be mindful that these spaces are primarily for the use of these colleagues until additional shared space comes on line. All team members can continue to use the pilot shared space that we brought online in the summer between the Sorin and Family Rooms.

In addition, seven of our administrative assistants are relocating to other desks on the floor: M. Bassett, D. Chamberlin, S. Ford, M. Gendel, K Montague, P. Mullin, K. Schoenfeld. Huge thanks to them for being so flexible as we continue to work through this re-imaging of our work environment.

Thank you in advance for your patience and consideration over the coming weeks as we pack, reconfigure, rebuild, and move into this fantastic new space. Please contact Marty Harshman or Brad Goff with questions.



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