Carolyn Lax a grandma again!

Kellen Elijah Moore was born Thursday, May 2nd at 9:30 p.m. The little cutie was 7 lbs. 1.9 oz and 20 inches long.

Kellen is the son of Craig & Jennifer Moore, little brother to Norah and, most importantly, new grandson to Carolyn Lax!

What a handsome boy!

Hands Together for Anita, Noell, Deena and Angie

As we continue to shape and grow our Administrative Assistant team, I am excited to announce that Anita Sareen, Noell Stohler, Deena Chamberlin and Angie Dennig have accepted the new role of Assistant Manager, Development Administration. Each has distinguished themselves in their current role and together anticipate the enthusing work ahead. The new Assistant Managers will begin transitioning over the month of June with an official start date of July 1.

Please join me in congratulating our new team of leaders!

Regards, Marilyn

Congrats to Cristi Ganyard

Dear colleagues:

The Stewardship & Donor Relations team is excited to announce Cristi Ganyard as the new Director for University Stewardship Initiatives.In this role, she will lead the team of professionals partnering closely with the colleges, schools and divisions throughout the University to enhance both programmatic and strategic personalized stewardship efforts. She and her team will be responsible for impact reporting and will work closely with partners to ensure we are maximizing spending and impact. Cristi has over 10 years of experience in the Development Department, most recently heading up the Executive Events unit within Special Events. I believe her dedication to processes, people, and the sacred mission of Notre Dame will position her well for future success. Cristi will begin her new role on June 3; please join me in congratulating this proud Notre Dame parent and steadfast colleague.

Also, please note that Amy Wyskochil, senior director for special events, will be posting Cristi’s director position soon. Please contact Amy if interested in this important role.

My best,

Katherine Lane

Estate Planning 101 Webinar

Dear Colleagues,

This Thursday, May 9 at 12:30 pm EST, the Office of Gift Planning will be hosting a complimentary webinar, Estate Planning 101, for Notre Dame benefactors.  Anthony McCormick, counsel with the Trust & Estate Planning practice at Perkins Coie LLP will be our special guest presenter.  An email promoting this event was sent on April 10, May 3 and a final on May 8 to ~27,000 benefactors to the University.  Registration is required for this event and a list of current registrants is available here.

For more information about this webinar, please contact Laura Snell Walker.

Annual Giving Announcements


As we continue to look towards bold new goals in unrestricted, donor count, and undergraduate alumni participation, we are excited to announce some structural changes within the Annual Giving team and announce open positions for which we are actively recruiting new talent:

  • Ashley Gerard, reporting to me, will lead our recently re-titled “Giving Society Advancement” team. This team will focus primarily on the recruitment of new giving society members through mass solicitation and direct fundraising, stewardship of $25k and $50k level donors (outside of PC/CC), planned giving marketing, matching gifts, and partnership with the field on new giving society member asks. Reporting to Ashley in this role are: Kasey O’Conner (Associate Director of Development), Brian Benedict (Associate Director of Development), Pablo Martinez (Associate Director of Development), Conor Montijo (Associate Director, Sorin Society), Sarah Carruthers (Associate Director, Law and Graduate Business Annual Giving), and Laura Snell (Associate Director, Badin Guild).
  • Kim Borza has been named Program Director, Athletics Annual Giving, and will report to Ashley Gerard. In this new role, Kim will continue to provide broad leadership and strategic vision for the Rockne Athletics Fund, with an enhanced focus on Athletic Director’s Circle and Jesse Harper Council members. Many of you have had the pleasure of working with Kim over the past 18 months as she as partnered with you to bring tremendous growth to the Rockne Athletics Fund while delivering a truly best-in-class stewardship experience to AD Circle members, all while launching our new premier level, the Jesse Harper Council. I am thrilled that Kim has agreed to take on this new leadership role as we continue to push for increased resources for our Fighting Irish coaches and student-athletes.
  • Lindahl Chase, Program Director, Sorin Society and Donor Experience, will report directly to me. Lindahl will be the lead on annual giving and giving society renewals and the execution of the membership experience for our giving society members in collaboration with the Donor Experience Team. The Donor Experience Team (Kristin Trosper, Darlean Vance, and Shannon Longo) continues to report to Lindahl.
  • Brandon Tabor, Director, Operations and Technology, will report directly to me. The Operations and Technology Team consists of Richard Kohler, Lori Rush, Lauren Brown, and Devon Aragona, and provides leadership for marketing execution, data quality, and new and emerging fundraising and engagement technologies.
  • The Director, Volunteer Leadership position, formerly held by Matt Gelchion, will report directly to me.

With these changes, we have the opportunity to recruit and welcome new talent to the Annual Giving Team. The following positions are (or soon will be) posted on Please let me or any member of our team know if you or someone you know of might have an interest in any of these new and important roles on our team:

Director, Volunteer Leadership (reporting to Brian Diss)
Assistant Director, Annual Giving (reporting to Lindahl Chase)
Associate Director, Athletics Annual Giving (reporting to Kim Borza)

Thank you for your continued collaboration and engagement. Please let me know if you have any questions. The Annual Giving team remains poised and excited to partner with you in FY19, FY20 and beyond!

Brian Diss

Mother’s Day Prayer Service

Please join the Notre Dame Alumni Association, students, staff, and faculty as we pray in honor of all mothers. We will pray the Rosary and offer submitted intentions.
Friday, May 10, 12:30-1:00 p.m. at the Grotto (Sacred Heart Crypt if inclement weather)
Dan Allen
Spirituality Program Director

New Financial Aid & Student Life AAD starts today

Hello again.

Today we welcome Matt Gelchion to his new role as AAD for Financial Aid & Student Life. Like all of our Academic Advancement Directors, Matt serves our fundraisers to help them hit their goals. In this role he will be working with fundraisers on proposals at the $1 million level and above.

Following the recent success of Notre Dame Day, Matt commented in an interview about how he viewed goals. He shared one measure of success, “Do we help more groups raise more funds and help them reach their goals?” This collaborative approach and focus on helping others hit their fundraising goals is one of many reasons we are confident that Matt is the right fit for this critical new role on our team.

Matt is based in the Eddy Street Commons office, next to the Storytelling & Engagement Team. You will also see Matt around Main Building as he gets to know better the units on campus that he serves.

You can connect with Matt by email and by phone at 1-6735.

Thank you,

Michael Loungo


Double the Delight!

Born on March 15, 2019, Freya Lynn and Wyatt Reed, grandchildren of Cheryl Schlimpert, came into the world weighing 5 lbs 4 oz and 4 lbs 13 oz respectively. Christy and Trey Whitcomb (mom & dad), currently stationed in Germany, couldn’t be more excited to be first-time parents – and twins is double the delight. Cheryl looks forward to many trips to Germany in her future.

Welcome to the family!

Leadership is Listening April Water Bottle Winners

Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback to Leadership is Listening in the month of April. We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve our workplace culture. As a reminder, if you have feedback that you would like to submit anonymously, but would still like to be entered into the water bottle giveaway, please be sure to leave another piece of feedback that does include your name. You do not need to submit it on the same day or address the same topic as your anonymous feedback. The Hidrate Spark smart water bottle winners for the month of April are Conor Montijo and Maggie Konstantine. Thank you again, and remember to keep submitting your feedback!

-The Leadership is Listening Team