Every one of the 207 interviews / performances from Notre Dame Day 2016 are now posted on the DAILY DOMER YOUTUBE CHANNEL.
Please feel free to use this content to send a note of congratulations / thanks to donors, professors, students, parents, etc., — who participated on the broadcast.
Here’s the link:  NOTRE DAME DAY 2016
Thanks for all of your help in securing these quality stories to tell!


Jim Small

Senior Director, Storytelling & Engagement Team

Special Events and Stewardship Assistant Director Open Position

Dear colleagues:

We are posting a limited-term assistant director position this week and need our talent ambassadors to help us find a motivated self-starter who relishes details! This full-time, temporary role (concludes September 30, 2017) team member will be assigned to the University’s 175th anniversary and to the activities associated with this celebration.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, registration management, accommodation and transportation coordination, website/social media tracking, meal planning, and budget management. Coordination with internal and external vendors and partners will be critical to the success of these activities. An important University representative, this individual will be managing volunteers and guest communications. He/she will be a member of the Special Events & Stewardship team, reporting directly to me, and work closely with the Campaign Administration team.

Please share personal interest or names of possible leads to Ann Moran.


My best,


EUCHRE CLUB for Relay for Life

Do you like to play Euchre? Are you interested in helping to raise money for Relay for Life? Would you like to play cards with your co-workers? If you answered yes to these questions, please join the newly formed Euchre Club for Relay for Life. We will meet in the ESC family room the 2nd Thursday of every month at 5:15pm. There is no obligation to attend every game. Play once, twice or all twelve times. It’s up to you.

The entry fee will be $10 per game. $5 will go to Relay for Life and $5 will be in the evenings prize pool. After our game on April 13, 2017 the UR Relay for Life Team will be presented with the money we raised over the previous 12 months.

If you sign up to play, please give your entree fee to Patty Smith at least one day prior to the game. This will help us know how many people will be at each tournament.

Signups are on a first come, first served basis and no more than 24 people can sign up for any given tournament. You can sign up until the day prior to the tournament or until the tournament is full. We would like to keep the tournament in the development family so if you have a spouse or significant other who would like to join you at any of the games, just sign them up when you do.

Please remember, we need to begin on time, so you must be able to be in the ESC Family Room by 5:15 on game day. You also must be willing to stay the entirety of the tournament. If you cannot stay until the end, you are not eligible to play. The length of the tournament will depend on the numbers of players; most will run between 2 -2.5 hours. However, if we are full it could take 3-4 hours.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-1818 or

Mark your calendars:

May 12, 2016

June 9, 2016

July 14, 2016

August 11, 2016

September 8, 2016

October 13. 2016

November 10, 2016

December 8, 2016

January 12, 2017

February 9, 2017

March 9, 2017

April 13, 2017

May/June Recognition Society reminders


Sorin eGSRs for May and June donors were sent yesterday (4/19). Mailed GSRs for all societies (Sorin, Rockne, JCOS, OSTM) will drop on Friday, April 22. Unassigned renewal prospects for all societies are being contacted by the phone center this week and next before the students depart for summer break. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Brian Diss

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day holds a special significance at Notre Dame. Our beloved school was inspired by and named for Mary, the Blessed Mother. And one of our own, alumnus and one-time faculty member Frank Hering, is considered one of the founders of Mother’s Day.

In recognition of the University’s special connection to this holiday, the Notre Dame Alumni Association is once again offering alumni, parents, friends, and the campus community a variety of ways to honor mothers in a special way this year.

On Wednesday, April 27 from 2-6 p.m., we invite you to stop by the Fieldhouse Mall (north of LaFortune) for our Mother’s Honor and Remembrance Day celebration. You can add a special intention to our Mother’s Honor and Remembrance Wall, which will be a collection of all the prayers for mothers submitted by the Notre Dame family this year. After the event, the wall will be on display outside the Eck Visitors Center through mid-May.

At this event, you also will be able to pose for fun pictures in our photo booth with signs that help you express your love and gratitude, and then share them on social media. Free ice cream and fun games will be available, and students can send out special Notre Dame Mother’s Day cards. It is a wonderful way to mingle with our students.

The Alumni Association also will hold a prayer service for mothers at the Grotto on Friday, May 6 at 1 p.m. All members of the campus community are invited to attend and help pray the Mother’s Day intentions submitted online by Notre Dame alumni, parents, and friends around the world. If you can not attend the prayer service in person, we invite you to submit a prayer request for your mother, grandmother, or mother figure in your life.

More Mother’s Day resources, including customizable Notre Dame prayer cards, reflections on motherhood from members of the Notre Dame family and a list of Masses for Mothers being held in our communities, will be available online at after the site launches on May 1.

We hope to see you at these two events honoring mothers this spring! The Alumni Association wishes all of the mothers in our global Notre Dame family a happy and blessed Mother’s Day.

Welcome Mary Carol Murphy to the Midwest Team

I am happy to announce the addition of our newest fund raiser to the Midwest Team.  Mary Carol Murphy will begin her career in the Notre Dame Development office on May 16 as a Regional Director in the Chicago office.
Mary Carol began her career in print at The Observer before moving on to The Chicago Tribune and then Leo Burnett working on accounts like Kellogg’s and P&G.  She eventually moved into print advertising sales at Cosmopolitan Magazine working with publishing legend Helen Gurley Brown before joining Parents Magazine where she has been for the last 16 years covering most of the Midwest.
Mary Carol is a 1987 graduate of the University of Notre Dame. Her husband, Dan, is also a graduate of Notre Dame.  They have been married for 25 years and are the proud parents of triplets, Daniel, Kate, and Martha, who are sophomores at Notre Dame majoring in business, science, engineering, and arts and letters. Mary Carol comes from a long line of family members to attend the University including her father ’60, her grandfather ’28, and her brother, Patrick Creadon ’89, who is an independent filmmaker currently working on the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary about the ’88 ND/Miami game.
Please join me in welcoming Mary Carol to our team!

Mike Sullivan ’90

Senior Director of Development – Midwest Region

Relay for Life Reminder

Dear Team,

This week marks Relay for Life’s Purple Week, with campus-wide events happening every day leading up to the main event and auction on Friday, April 15th, from 5:00-11:00 PM at the Compton Ice Arena. As mentioned in a previous email from Gavin, the UR team is walking a lap together. We will meet in the Family Room at 4:30 PM and walk over as a team. If you’d like to join us, please visit or get a form at the Front Desk to register. Please use the team name “UR Walking on Sunshine”. If you cannot attend, but want to contribute to your team, you can still do so by registering. All funds from the walk, and all other fundraising events that have taken place or will take place, go directly to the American Cancer Society. Please check out for more information on how to register, Purple Week, and the auction.

UR Walking on Sunshine Upcoming Events at ESC:
Wednesday, April 13th, 5:00-9:00 PM: Euchre! Please contact Jess Witous or Patty Smith if you’d like to participate. Cost is $10 and due by Tuesday, April 12th.

Thursday, April 14th, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM: Massage Therapy! Just a reminder to review what time you scheduled yourself for a 10-minute massage. $10 due at the time of your appointment.

Friday, April 15th: Final Jeans Day. Don’t forget to bring in your $2!

UR Walking on Sunshine at Grace Hall:
Tuesday, April 12th, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM: Bake Sale – 500 Grace

Thursday, April 14th, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM: Pizza Lunch -Lobby of Grace Hall

Thank you for all you support thus far, we couldn’t do it without your help!

Your UR Relay for Life Committee

Condolences to Eileen Gieselman

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Eileen Gieselman’s beloved mother-in-law on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at the age of 92. Benedette Barker Gieselman, of New Orleans, LA, also known as “Dette” and “Teeny,” was known to friends and family for her love of people and her devout Catholic faith, enthusiasm and zest for life, and positive attitude. Visitation is scheduled for Monday, April 11 from 10:00 – 11:00 am at St. Pius X Catholic Church in New Orleans, immediately followed by a funeral Mass. Our thoughts and prayers are with Eileen, her husband, Jim, and their extended family during this time.
-Laura Midkiff

Jean Day


In continuing our support for Relay, we are hosting $2 Jeans Day every Friday leading up to the main event on April 15th. This includes tomorrow, April 8th and April 15th.
Should you choose to wear jeans, we will have a jar at the front desk for your contribution.

Fiscal 2017 Budget Process and Deadlines

University Relations Staff:

It is that time of year when we focus on the preparation of the budget for next fiscal year. The annual operating budget process includes proposed salary increases that are effective July 1, 2016, and the non-salary budgets. Please note that managers are receiving a separate memo that includes details on University guidelines, how to access specific charts, etc. This communication is intended to highlight the budget process and timeline internal to University Relations (UR) and to ensure you are familiar with the process and key contacts.

The Budget Team
• Mark Witucki – Alumni Association
• Mary Ellen Koepfle, Geoff Stookey, Brenda Carr – Development

Fiscal 2017 Budget Process and Deadlines

Merit recommendations are provided by managers based on employee performance during fiscal 2016. These recommendations are reviewed by the appropriate Associate Vice President and ultimately approved by Lou Nanni. Human Resources and the Office of Budget & Planning audit these recommendations to ensure consistent application of University guidelines.

There are no incremental increases for non-salary budgets this year. If necessary, members of the budget team will work with your unit to re-allocate funds within the org to better align the budget plan with the spend activity.

Please note the following deadlines:

May 2 Self-reviews finalized in Endeavor (send forward to your supervisor by May 2)
Note: supervisors may designate an earlier deadline for the self-evaluation
May 2 Managers finalize merit recommendations
May 9 Associate Vice Presidents review and finalize merit recommendations
May 12 Managers complete review in Endeavor (send forward to HR by close of business)
Note: make sure Endeavor shows overall rating for your employee before sending forward
May 13 Vice President approves merit recommendations
June 15 Compensation statements sent to managers for distribution (if HR audit is final)
June 23 Staff salary notifications are available online in InsideND

Should you have any questions regarding the performance review process or the budget process, please let us know.

Thanks very much for your attention to the budget timeline.

Mary Ellen Koepfle