
Course taught most recently

  • CSE60321 Advanced Computer Architecture
    • CSE30321 Spring 2021
      Follow this  link to find out more about the class if you have registered.

Courses taught at Notre Dame

  • CSE40947/60947 Cross-Layer Design for CMOS and Beyond-CMOS Technologies
  • CSE60321 Advanced Computer Architecture
  • CSE30421 Computer Architecture I
  • CSE698H Low Power Computing
  • CSE521 Graduate Computer Architecture
  • CSE698E Advanced Embedded System Design
  • CSE422 Computer System Design
  • CSE598B Codesign of Embedded Systems
  • CSE563 Advanced VLSI

Other courses taught in the past

  • Digital Logic
  • Digital Electronics
  • Digital Systems
  • Computer Arithmetic and VLSI Computing