I study mathematical logic (set theory and model theory). I also have interests in the history and philosophy of mathematics. My philosophy advisor is Joel David Hamkins and my math advisor is Nick Ramsey.

Research Papers
- A paper on the role of nonmeasurable sets in epistemology. [Submitted, under revision]
Recent Presentations
- Jul. 11, 2024, The Number of Models of Unstable Theories without Choice, Poster Session of “120 Years of Choice” Conference, University of Leeds
- Feb. 29, 2024, Poincaré’s Dilemma and the Notion of Rigor, “Rigor and the Growth of Knowledge” Conference, Laboratoire SPHere, Université Paris Cité
- Feb. 2, 2024, Poincaré’s Chalk and Lebesgue’s Measure, UC Irvine Graduate Conference in Philosophy
- My note on the Borel conjecture. The note contains a writeup for a proof of the independence of the Borel conjecture from ZFC. It follows the first proof of this result due to Laver.