Many of these blog posts concern the Evolved Nest (Evolved Developmental Niche), a set of practices over 30 million years old for social mammals and particularly intense for human beings because we are born 18 months early compared to other animals (we should be in the womb another 18 months). These practices include: soothing perinatal experiences, responsiveness to needs (avoiding distress), physical affection (and lack of corporal punishment), breastfeeding on request, self-directed free play with multi-aged playmates and in the natural world, multiple responsive adult caregivers, and positive social support. For academic papers, see The Evolved Nest (Evolved Developmental Niche).
KINDRED LINK to my republished blog posts:
See also
Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Babies
Five Things NOT to Do to Babies
How Modern Societies Violate Human Development
Raising a Baby Well: Like Climbing Mount Everest
Thriving or Just Surviving? Are Your Children Nested?
12 Ways to Nurture Babies at Conception, Birth, and Beyond
Promoting Thriving in School-Aged Children: A Checklist
6 Hidden Myths Behind Baby Sleep Training Advocacy
Child Sleep Training’s “Best Review of Research”
Parents Misled by Cry-It-Out Sleep Training Reports
Rebuttal to critique: Rebuking Bad Parenting Advice: Did We Go Too Far?
Baby Sleep Training: Mistakes “Experts” and Parents Make
‘Let Crying Babes Lie’? So Wrong
Simple Ways to Calm a Crying Baby
Normal, Human Infant Sleep: Feeding Method and Development
Normal Infant Sleep: Changing Patterns
Normal Parent Behaviors and Why They Won’t Hurt Your Child
Normal Infant Sleep: Night Nursing’s Importance
More Normal Parenting for Sleep
Understanding and Helping Toddler Sleep
Understanding and Helping Toddler Sleep-Tiredness?
Understanding and Helping Toddler Sleep–Preparing Success
Bed Sharing With Babies: What is the Hype About?
Bedsharing or Co-Sleeping Can Save Babies’ Lives
Be Worried About Boys, Especially Baby Boys
Why Worry About Undercared for Males? Messed up Morals!
Raising Boys to Be Disconnected
Relational Disconnection as Mental Illness
Why Are (Some) Males’ Egos So Fragile?
Painkillers for Childbirth? The Few Pros and Many Cons
What’s the Use of Midwives and Doulas?
What if Jesus Had Been Born in the USA?
Myths about Circumcision You Likely Believe
More Circumcision Myths You May Believe: Hygiene and STDs
Circumcision: Social, Sexual, Psychological Realities
Circumcision Ethics and Economics
What Is the Greatest Danger for an Uncircumcised Boy?
Why Continue to Harm Boys from Ignorance of Male Anatomy?
Practical Tips for Men Distressed by Their Circumcision
Pro-Circumcision Culturally Biased, Not Scientific: Experts
Letter to “Happily Circumcised” Father
Protect (All) Your Boys from Early Trauma
Circumcision’s Psychological Damage
Practical Tips for Men Distressed by Their Circumcision
Why Not Circumcise Your Boy? A Potential Link to Autism
Breastfeeding’s Importance—What Science Tells Us
Breastfeeding in the USA—A Little History
Breastfeeding Moms Face Illegal Discrimination at Work
Talk About Breastfeeding With Your Family, Friends and Doctor
Breastmilk Wipes Out Formula: Responses to Critical Comments
In Light of Last Week’s Posts: Is Pushing* Formula Evil?
The REAL Truth about Breastfeeding
5 Things You Thought You Knew about Breastfeeding
The TREMENDOUS Benefits of Doing What is Normal: Breastfeeding
Myths you probably believe about infant formula
Your assumptions about infant formula are probably wrong
It’s Breastfeeding Week: Why should you care?
Happiness and Growth Through Play
Children May Be Playing, But Their Brains Are Working
Is Pretend Play Good For Kids?
Playing at School: More Important Than We Thought?
Does Too Much Screen Time Make Kids Sick?
What’s Better: Indoor or Outdoor Play?
Are you or your child on a (touch) starvation diet?
Mother’s touch of dead baby causes “miracle”
Premies: Maternal Touch Has 10-Year Effects
Why You Should Cuddle Your Kids: Adult Health and Morality
The Dangers of Spanking a Baby
Dear Parents: “No Spanking” Says APA
Research on Spanking: It’s Bad for ALL Kids
Are you treating your child like a prisoner?
Is it good to make kids afraid?
Baby Care: Baselines for Mental Health
Baby Care: 3 Rs for Raising A Happy Child
The Science and Art of Mothering
Killing Mothering, the Center of Society
Allomothers: Our Evolved Support System for Mothers
Plastics and the Health of Children and Mothers
Successful Motherhood Is a Collaboration
Ten Ways to Truly Respect Motherhood
Why Early Experience Matters: Famous Scholars Know
Creating a Peaceful World Through Parenting
Should Toddlers Be Medicated for ADHD?
What Happened to Ethics in Pediatric Medicine?
Baby-, Parent- or Life-Centered Parenting?
Parents Should Know the Limitations of Science Experiments
Babies “don’t cry in Africa,” why should they cry in the USA?
Blame the baby or blame the experts?
Dumb Parent(ing), Dumberer Child
Undercare: The bane of American life?
What Adults Did to Me at Birth: A Baby’s Point of View
Are You a “Childist?” Test Yourself
Babies Are Needy—Does That Bug You?
Do We Need Declaration for the Rights of the Baby?
The Decline of Children and the Moral Sense
Believing “children are resilient” may be a fantasy
How America Morally Fails its Children: What Needs to Change
Increase the well-being of children around you
The Primal Wound: Do You Have One?
Your Primal Wound: What Happened in Childhood?
Fantasyland: A Nation of Primally Wounded People
Stories That Heal Primal Wounds
Stories of Connection to Heal the Primal Wound
Older and Weaker, or Older and Wiser?
Wise Elders in the Circle of Life
Self-Actualize and Become a Wise Elder
Sustainable Wisdom: Indigenous Style
The “Death of Birth” and Losing Nature
10 Indigenous Holistic Healing Practices
Broken Eagle Wing: Mending Worldview
Recovering From “Cry It Out” Parenting as an Adult
Your Primal Wound: What Happened in Childhood?
The Primal Wound: Do You Have One?
Stories That Heal Primal Wounds
Stories of Connection to Heal the Primal Wound
Self-Actualization: Are You on the Path?
How to Get on the Path to Self Actualization
Self Actualization: Individualistic or Holistic Connection?
Self-Actualize and Become a Wise Elder
Nature Connection
Nature Heals, Restores, and Comforts
10 Indigenous Holistic Healing Practices
On Babies, Sleep and Evolution at Buzzfeed
On Affection and Punishment at South Bend Tribune (Op-Ed)
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El declive de los niños y del sentido moral
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