What Entrepreneurs Get Wrong


This is an interesting article about the challenges new entrepreneurs often face.  I think it really speaks to the idea that we have discussed this semester, that running a start up is fundamentally different than running a large company.  The same principles do not always apply, and it is evident from the unique challenges mentioned in this article.

2 thoughts on “What Entrepreneurs Get Wrong

  1. I really liked this article just because it touched on something that I’ve been thinking about. As lawyers we kind of take an approach of well researched perfection–we’ve always been told that a mistake in a brief or argument is almost tantamount to a character flaw. But this article supports a very different approach. Researching by talking to people instead of going to books and making several iterations of products instead of making one final, perfect product. It’s a really challenging way to approach work.

  2. This article refers to the central topic of entrepreneurship that we as young entrepreneurs tend to forget. The concept of sales as an important aspect of entrepreneurship is the key point of how people’s entrepreneurial approach in today’s world is. While sales seem to be the grunt work of business, it is still an essential part of how business grows and functions. This article shows how important simple core concepts of entrepreneurs and the tendencies that entrepreneurs fail to realize, which is important to become aware of.