Bold Strategy, Cuban!


Mark Cuban is coming in hot with a bold prediction for the next decade: Liberal Arts is the future! According to Cuban, finance is “the easiest thing” and in the very near future data will be spit onto us at such a rate that the greatest demand will be for those in the workforce who can view the data most uniquely… Or something like that.

I usually like Cuban’s antics (when he’s not grooming America for his inevitable and probably short-lived 2020 presidential run) and hesitate to second-guess the business savvy of a man who cut his teeth as a bar owner on a Big Ten college campus, but this prediction made me scoff.

Of course interpreting massive amounts of data will be an important task of the future workforce, but to predict that market demand for “free thinkers” will outpace demand for engineers and programmers is wild. I think Cuban has been drinking the entrepreneurial Kool-Aid for too long.

Or has he? As technology advances and jobs become automated, it’s plausible that our human elements, or the “soft skills” this article mentions, may be what keeps us valuable. If Cuban means that we now have enough computer scientists and engineers making the technology and we need more people “free thinking” ways to best apply it to our problems, then that sounds like a job for entrepreneurs.

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