Trump’s Idea on Partially Replacing Food Stamps

This hit the news today. I thought it would be interesting to discuss the merits of the concept of having a governmental aid program, especially after having numerous conversations on the detrimental aspects of certain types of aid. I think the point that businesses, particularly stores located in rural areas, would suffer from the creation of such a program is particularly salient. The points about human dignity resonate with me as well, and I think this relates to Poverty, Inc. because those who are giving aid here may be disconnected from those receiving aid, allowing the powerful to occupy a paternalistic space over the poor. I would like to hear people’s thoughts, and although I highly doubt that this program will be instituted, I wonder how we can grapple with the issue that so many of our nation’s people are living below the poverty line and are struggling with hunger while also keeping an eye toward human dignity and the bottom line of our government.

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