ESC Front Office (Business Continuity Plan)

Office Entry
Use your ND ID card to access the office. Please contact Mary Flynt and/or Lana Taylor if your swipe access is not working.

Voicemail messages left on the main office number will roll over to Amy Walter’s email and will be forwarded to the appropriate staff member or returned by Amy Walter.

USPS mail will be held at the South Bend post office. Staff will pick up the mail on Tuesday and Friday and follow the same process as during Christmas break: open all mail, make copies of anything with a gift and/or gift agreement, put copy in DC mailboxes, and deliver originals to Grace Hall for processing. All non-gift related mail will also be placed in DC mailboxes. We will email DCs and RDs regarding gift documents received.

Staff will collect UPS and FedEx items from the respective “will call” windows in South Bend and process per mail protocol outlined above. Please discontinue shipping to the office address during this period to reduce the amount of mail we need to process.

Please contact directly Amazon or any vendors from whom you are expecting packages and update the delivery location.

Questions or concerns? Please contact Marilyn Bassett ( or 301-523-7990) or Carolyn Hardman ( or 574-514-1632.)

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