
Author's details

Name: Anna Simon-Robertson
Date registered: May 18, 2016

Latest posts

  1. NNSA SSAP 2024 – three students posters from our group! — February 21, 2024
  2. Hawaii! Our work presented at the Joint meeting of the APS-DNP and JPS — February 21, 2024
  3. Miriam and Jes present their work at the NNSA SSAP 2023 Meeting — February 21, 2024
  4. Orlando Olivas-Gomez receives the 2022 Browne Award — February 21, 2022
  5. Jes presents their work at the NNSA SSAP Symposium 2022 — February 16, 2022

Author's posts listings

Sep 12

Orlando receives a fellowship from LLNL

Orlando Gomez, a third-year graduate student working in the Nuclear Science Laboratory with Prof. Anna Simon, received the Glenn T. Seaborg Institute at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory “Nuclear Forensics Summer Internship”. The internship provides a stipend and travel cost reimbursement for a graduate student who is then paired with an LLNL scientist for a two-month …

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Aug 07


In April this year, my group joined the Center of Excellence CENTAUR funded by National Nuclear Security Administration at Texas A&M. Through the center, we will continue our work with the HYPERION array at the Texas A&M cyclotron to investigate the statistical properties of rare-earth nuclei. Such measurements provide constraints for the neutron capture cross …

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Jun 29

REU 2018

Emily Churchman from Texas Lutheran University joined our group this summer as an REU student. Emily is working with HECTOR, participated in (p,γ) and (α,γ) measurements earlier this month and now is analyzing 102Pd(p,g)103Ag reaction data to extract the cross section for p-process nucleosynthesis.

May 04


Jack Wurzer presented a poster on his analysis of HECTOR’s efficiency during the College of Science Joint Annual Meeting (COS JAM) on May 4th, 2018.

Dec 07

Beam time with Hyperion

During the week of November 20, 2017, Nathan, Craig and myself went to Texas A&M to perform an experiment using the Hyperion array. With twelve clover detectors for gamma-rays and a deltaE-E telescope for particle id and energy, we measured (p,d) and (p,t) reactions for rare earth targets. The data will be utilized to extract …

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Jul 28

p-process Workshop

The sixth p-process Workshop was held at the University of Notre Dame, June 29 – July 1, 2017. 35 participants from Europe and U.S. joined the meeting to talk about the recent progress in computational, experimental and theoretical efforts to understand the astrophysical p-process. The presentations from the meeting were commented on live via twitter! …

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Jul 28

REU 2017

Joe Arroyo from Illinois Institute of Technology joined our group this summer as an REU student. During his second week, he took nightshifts for the experiment with HECTOR and learned how to operate a tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. His summer project was to figure out the efficiency of HECTOR after few modifications to the …

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Dec 16

Conference Experience For Undergraduates

In October, Matthew went to Vancouver to present the results of his work at the Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of APS. His poster was also selected for presentation during the public event at the TRIUMF research facility.

Oct 03


Farheen Naqvi has joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher. Formely at MSU and Yale, Farheen has worked in nuclear structure and astrophysics and will be working with the students helping them with data analysis.

Sep 12

NSF grant

Our group’s research has been granted a four-year funding from National Science Foundation. The grant provides salaries for the students and funds for isotopically enriched target materials that will be used for experiments with HECTOR.

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