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Getting started

Update reaction and nuclide data

Recent version of REACLIB can be downloaded from https://groups.nscl.msu.edu/jina/reaclib/db
already in XML format. However the nuclide and reaction data
are provided in two separate files that have to be merged into one file. This can be done by running:

./merge_net nuclide_data.xml reaction_data.xml output.xml

in nucnet-tools/vendor/libnucnet/0.15/examples directory.

Preparing input file

To convert a text file (initial_mass_fractions.txt) containing Z, A and X for all the seed nuclides into an input XML file (pp_init_abund.xml) for the calculations go to example/misc folder and run:

./create_zone_xml_from_text ../../data_pub/my_net.xml initial_mass_fractions.txt init_abund.xml "mass fractions"

To add properties to the pp_init_abund.xml file and create a proper input file pp_input.xml for the code run:

./add_properties_to_zone_xml ../../data_pub/my_net.xml pp_init_abund.xml 0 0 0 properties.txt input.xml

Where properties.txt has a series of

property name
property value

Running the code – examples

CNO burning

Edit input.xml so that tau = 0., t9 = T=109 K = 0.04, rho = 10., steps = 5, and tend = 1.e15. Also change the initial species to “h1” with z = 1, a = 1, and x = 0.98 and “c12” with z = 6, a = 12, and x = 0.02. Now run the calculation:

./run_single_zone ../../data_pub/my_net.xml ../../data_pub/zone.xml out_cno.xml

This leaves an XML output file called out_cno.xml. You can choose to add a zone XPATH “[z <=
15]" to speed the calculation up:

./run_single_zone ../../data_pub/my_net.xml ../../data_pub/zone.xml out_cno.xml "[z <= 15]"

Get a table with t, t9, and rho in the time steps by typing:

./print_properties ../network/out_cno.xml time t9 rho

Now get the hydrogen, helium-4, carbon-12, and nitrogen-14 mass fractions in the timesteps:

./print_mass_fractions_in_zones c12 n14 ../network/out_cno.xml h1 he4

He burning

Edit input.xml so that tau = 0., t9 = 0.3, rho = 103 g/cc, and tend = 1.e12. Choose initial mass fractions such that X(4He) = 0.98, X(14N) = 0.018, and X(56Fe) = 0.002. Run the calculation as above but replace the out_cno.xml with out_he.xml. You can choose to add a zone xpath “[z <= 40]" to speed the calculation up.